37. "Welcome to the End."

Start from the beginning

I let out a shaky laugh when I feel her kick slightly. At the same time, Cas puts a hand over mine, then slides it under mine to feel my stomach. I lick my lips out of nerves, glancing up at him.

"Later," I whisper. "Help me up?"

Cas hovers as he gets me standing. I look wearily at Dean, who has a relieved look on his face.

"You good, Jo?" he asks.

"As good as I can be," I say tiredly, using Cas as a crutch. I look to Sam, who's talking with Chuck—he's standing now. He's weak, but he's standing. They both notice me. I feel Cas reach for my hand, and I take it in an instant. "H-how do you feel?"

"You know when you're driving and a bug hits your windshield?" asks Chuck. "I'm the bug."

"So, what Amara said about you..." says Sam.

"Dying. Yeah, whatever she did to me, I can feel my spark, my light fading. And when it's gone..."

"Okay, well, t-tell us how to fix you," says Dean.

"You can't. I-I-I suppose she could, maybe, but that's never gonna happen."

Cas sort of pushes me behind him, and Dean pulls out his weapon, pointing it at the door. We all look expectantly to it. When it opens, we find Rowena walking in, with her son, Crowley. Both survived. It makes me wonder about the others, though, the angels and demons who weakened Amara earlier.

"So that was a gun in your pocket," Rowena remarks.

"Well...that was a complete and utter dog's breakfast, wasn't it?" says Crowley.

"I didn't know dogs had breakfast," Cas says.

"Cas is back," I say.

"Just curious—has anyone bothered to look outside?" Rowena asks.

We hear a siren in the distance as we all leave the power plant. I don't understand what Rowena means at first until I take a good look at the sky. The sun burns brightly, but the sky around it is the color of fire.

"What is it?" I ask.

"It looks like the sun is—" says Sam.

"Dying," finishes Cas.

"Why would Amara do that?"

"The sun is the source of all life on Earth. Without it, everything just...just wastes away."

"Let's get the hell out of here," Dean comments.

With a snap of Chuck's fingers, we're back in the war room of the Men of Letters bunker. I look at God, surprised that he's still able to have any power in him to do something like this.

"You," Crowley comments.

"Still got a few tricks up my sleeve," says Chuck, who's leaning on Sam for support. "I'm not dead y..." He fails to keep himself upright on his own, as the second he pulls away from Sam, he collapses against my brother again.

"Oh, whoa. Okay. I got you," says Sam.

"I should probably sit down."

"Yeah. Come on." Chuck groans as Sam helps him sit in a chair. "All right. Okay."

"What do we do now?" asks Cas.

Apparently, Dean's answer lies outside of the war room. Sam, Cas, and myself trail after my older brother. He leads us into the kitchen, pulling out a six-pack. He twists the top off of one and sips on the beer.

"Really?" I deadpan.

"Really. What? We hit Amara with everything we got, and she walked it off."

"So..." Sam says. "So it's last call?"

Dean takes another drink. "That's right. Look, man. If you've got something for me to punch, shoot, or kill, let me know and I'll do it. I'll do it 'til I die. But how are we supposed to fix the friggin' sun?"

"That's the million dollar question," I mutter.

"You know what? This isn't gonna be enough. I better make a run. No reason to die sober, huh? You want to?" This is at Sam.

"No!" my little brother says, agitated.

"Be right back."

"I'll stay here, find our Plan B."

"Okay. Cas, come on."

I look at Cas warily. He looks from me to Dean. "I, uh, I don't know..." he says.

"You guys have time to do whatever it is you guys do. It's a quick run."

"Dean," I say knowingly, giving him a look.

Our heads turn at a clack of heels. Rowena has found our kitchen. She looks to each of us. "Teapot?" All of us look at her, dumbfounded. "Do you even own one?"

"Good question. Do we?" I look at my brothers. Neither of them answer. "Okay, fine. I guess I'll help you look for one." I look back at Cas. "Go with him. I'll be fine here."

"If you say so," says Cas. I reach up on my tiptoes to kiss him. "I'll be back soon."

"I know. Love you."

A tiny half-smile comes onto his face. "I love you too."

Dean and Cas leave, as does Sam, which leaves me with Rowena in the kitchen searching for a freaking teapot. We search in silence, going through the cabinets.

"So, you and the angel are still going strong," she comments nonchalantly.

I roll my tongue over my teeth. "Jealous?"

"Not in the slightest."

"Bet you were when Lucifer was around."

"Before he tried to kill me, yes, I'll admit."

I snort. "Cougar much?"

"You know, you may not get a chance to raise the child if Amara wins."

I look up from where I'm searching. "You've got to be kidding me."

"Lass, I can sense the magic coming from your belly. I know you're not a demon anymore, and you've never been anything else, so..."

I smack my forehead and rub it tiredly. "I don't want to have the mother conversation with you of all people."

"I'm just making conversation. Ah, here we are." Rowena finds herself a teapot.

"Good. Just don't mess around in here."

"And just where are you going?"

"Any place other than this room."

**Okay, well...

Pros: Cassette is finally reunited. And we've still got our little baby in tact too!

Cons: God's dying, Amara escaped, and, like Dean said, "how are they supposed to fix the friggin' sun?"

And you gotta love Rowena XD

P.S. Amazing video by the always awesome brookieismyname If you haven't already checked it out, do so. We're in the final stretch of the book, you guys. Prepare for the slow, inevitable end, no matter how it ends.**

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