36. The Title Fight

Start from the beginning

"D-Dean," I simper, feeling the extreme pain in my chest.

"Jo!" Sam screams. I think back to the times where I've heard that fear for me in his voice. The day I left him, Dean, and Dad when I had the window. When Sam rushed me to the hospital and watched me die there. When I got bit by that vampire and lost a hell of a lot of blood. "Dean, snap out of it! Dean!"

But our older brother doesn't stir. He doesn't say a word. He just watches as the life fades from my eyes.

Dean Winchester is lost.


"Son of a bitch."

I rub my eyes, pushing my hair back. Since Chuck, Lucifer, Sam, and Dean left on their big plan to stop Amara for good, I figured I'd head to bed. I crashed the second my head hit the pillow. I didn't realize that when I did I was letting a nightmare seep into my mind.

I'm safe here. I adjust the pillow under my head, curling tighter into a ball. I put an arm over my stomach, and the baby nudges me. I smile faintly. They're right, as much as I hate to admit it. I need to start a life for us. I can't keep hunting. How much time until I have her? I close my eyes, mulling a lot of things over. I need a good exit plan from hunting. This baby, my daughter, is the ticket out. I can't go back into hunting after she's born, there's just no way. I won't give her up for adoption, I won't want anyone but myself to watch over her. I'm attached to her and I've only recently discovered she exists. Some mother I'm already being.

Something makes the skin on the nape of my neck crawl. I open my eyes slowly, peeking at the doorway.

I jump out of bed when I see that it's Amara in the way.

I pull out the angel blade from under my mattress. She smiles at me in amusement, and I shake slightly in her presence. How did she get in here? There are wardings. But an awful thought sinks my stomach.

They may not exist if she's found a way to remove them.

"You've got one chance before things get ugly," I threaten in a sleepy growl. I feel more awake than I sound right now.

She chuckles. "Put the blade down before you hurt yourself."

I dare to take a few steps closer towards her. "How'd you get in here?"

"Use your imagination." She puts a hand out towards me, and I'm waiting to be consumed in darkness. Waiting for something bad to happen to me to end my life and my unborn child's. Instead, I feel my limbs freeze. I strain to move, but I can't.

I've been like this before, but the first time, a demon kept me captive like this.

"We've never properly introduced," I say bitterly. "Josette Winchester."

"I guessed as much." She steps into my bedroom, which feels like a violation in privacy.

"What are you doing here?"

"You know why I'm here. Instead, I found you, snuggled in your bed." She smirks. "I know you can answer this for me. Where are they?"


"Don't lie, it's not very nice."

"Oh, you mean my brothers, Lucifer, and your brother? I don't know where they are."

"Hmm...I don't know if I believe you on that."

"H-how did you get here?" I say quietly, feeling her magic continue to hold my body in its current position. "How did you find this place?"

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