Chapter 28- Santa Claus

Start from the beginning

I pull into the hospital parking lot and park the car. Getting out I open the backseat doors and grab Scarlette's car seat out of the back of the car. We start walking into the hospital and when we reach the elevator I let Parker press the up button. The doors open and we step onto the elevator and push the 3rd floor button.

When the doors open again we walk out and sign in and take a seat in the waiting room and wait for the doctor to call Wyatt in.

"Papa?" Parker says tugging on my sleeve. I look over at him signaling for him to continue

"I lobe you and I'm sorry" He says and I open my arms and he crawls into my lap and snuggles into my chest. I kiss his head and Wyatt's name gets called. We get up and walk through the familiar doors as the nurse leads us to a room and tells us that the doctor will be in with us shortly.

I set Scarlette on a chair and Parker sits next to her and I sit on the other side of her. Wyatt gets on the table and we sit in silence waiting for the doctor to come in.

I give Parker my phone to play with when the doctor come in.

"How is my favorite patient doing?" The doctor comes in and we chuckle and Wyatt tells him that he's okay.

"Wow 30 weeks already are we?" The doctor asks and Wyatt nods his head and rubs his stomach lightly.

"Okay so I have to explain the warning signs of preeclampsia. Preeclampsia is a disease of pregnancy that causes high blood pressure and your kidneys produce more protein than usual. The warning signs are Severe Headaches or blurred vision, Nausea or Vomiting, Dizziness or Double Vision, Excessive Swelling of the hands or feet, Decreased Frequency of Urination, and Rapid pulse. So just keep and eyes out and if you are worried at all or show any of these symptoms then you have my number."

"Okay I need to check on your legs to make sure you have not developed Varicose Veins so you can roll up you pants or take them off whatever works for you" The doctor tells him and he starts to roll up his pants. The doctor examines his legs and nods to himself. "Looks fine so far, I would recommend that you elevate your legs at night or wear compression stockings during the day" Wyatt nods his hand and looks at me and I look away.

"Time to check your weight and blood pressure." The doctor says and does his blood pressure first. Then Wyatt steps on the scale and The doctor says he has gained 27 pounds which is good and Wyatt cringes when he hears the number.

"Okay now you can lay down so that I can measure your uterus and gauge your baby's growth."

Wyatt lays down and the doctor gets a tape measure and measures Wyatt's belly. Then The doctor gets the ultrasound machine and checks our daughter's heartbeat. I smile when I hear how strong her heartbeat. "Is that baby?" Parker asks and I smile. "Yeah buddy that's the baby" I tell him.

"Okay Wyatt are the baby's movement occurring as often as last week" The doctor asks. "Yes Sir moving and kicking strong" He tells him.

"Okay we need a urine sample as usual" The doctor says and hands him a cup and he walks into the bathroom.

The doctor looks at me. "Are you guys fighting again?" He asks and I chuckle. "How'd you know?" I ask him and he shrugs "I just had a feeling" He says and I nod my head and Wyatt comes back out.

"Okay Wyatt a couple more things and you are free to leave" The doctor says. "Are you having any back pain or sleeping issues?" He asks and Wyatt nods his head.

"Okay so I would suggest supporting your back during the day and while you sleep. When you're sleep you can put a pillow under your back so that it supports your back more. Here is a sheet that gives you some tips on how to sleep better during the third trimester. Other then that we are done for this visit do you have any questions for me?" He asks and we shake our head.

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