Week Special: Snowed In!?

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Dec 23rd

I sat in my classroom, staring out the window. Frowning. It was December 23 and I was still in school! It was the last day of school until Christmas vacation but still! It was snowing like crazy outside. I could barely see through the window. Our teacher was making us present our Christmas projects that she assigned. We had to do something Christmasy and then present it to the class. It could be a song, a card, a story, or so many other things! Broken apparently went overboard with this whole thing. She brought in specially designed gingerbread men that she gave to each student, she had a story planed, and she's going to sing a song! She's absolutely been dreaming of way too many sugar plums! But as her friend I supported her. Twizzles almost did the same thing. She brought in a huge cake and read us a story. It was about her and her friends going through magical Christmas stories.
She gave Broken and Mark the same one, The Nutcracker. Mark was the nutcracker and Broken was the not so little girl. It should be the other way around in my opinion. Sinnamon turned into a little kid again and, got to experience the joy of meeting Frosty The Snowman. FireBall apparently turned into a reindeer and became friends with Rudolph.  She had PewDiePie and Cry in one together which I think was, Home Alone? I think they were the two bad guys. She had her and Jack in Elf. Jack was the Elf and she was the women. Then there was me. I was in The Little Drummer Boy. I was Mary. Oh, did Britney have something to say about that! 'Mary never sins! I know Y/N has sinned a lot" she yelled out, smirking afterwards. I hated her.
But right now, Brokens just reading her story as everyone nibbles on there gingerbread men after posting a picture of them on Instagram. She was really good at story telling. Writing stories in general to be honest (Hey, that's just what I've been told by my fellow classmates!). "The bell finally rung and everyone ran out of there seats! 'Christmas at last!' Y/N yelled out. They all dashed for the doors. But one thing was stopping them. The snow that blocked the doors. They were SNOWED IN" she ended. Everyone clapped. Even Britney and her squad. Broken took a bow. "Would you like to sing the song, Rowan?" Our teacher asked her. She shook her head. "Can I skip that part?" She asked, shacking a bit. Our teacher smiled and Broken went back to her seat. She unwrapped her gingerbread man and started eating it. Twizzles started chatting with her. Did I mention we did a desk change? Well, now I'm at the very back next to the window. I'm invisible here. But that's okay. Cause I could also see the clock and it was 30 minutes till we could go home for Christmas! I was so excited!

~Time Skip~
We all couldn't believe it. It was unreal. Everyone had left but our class didn't leave in time. In time before the snow blocked all exit doors. We were snowed in. Just like Brokens story. It was only our class though. No principle, no janitor, just our class. But before the snow collapsed over the doors. Our teacher some how got out. That jerk. She's probably not even worried about us. Actually, that's not true. Mrs. Tomathan is one of the most caring teachers ever. She's probably freaking out.
Britney yelled at Broken as she flipped through her rough drafted of her Christmas story. "Ya s**t! Look faster!" Britney yelled another dirty name at her. Broken then snapped. She threw her notebook on the ground. "YOU KNOW WHAT!?!?  WE MIGHT BE STUCK IN HERE FOR DAYS AND YOU DONT GIVE A F**K!!! I ACTUALLY DONT GIVE A F**K!!!!" Broken then stomped off. Her notebook crumpled up on the floor. FireBall ran after Broken. Twizzles surly did defend Broken. They loved her too much (That's Y/Ns thoughts! I think there all great!). This was a great way to start Christmas vacation that will probably end up in my school.

Dec 24th

Who would have known that we would have found a bunch of Christmas decorations? That's right, we decorated the school so we felt at home! We also found some props that were literally mattresses and slipping bags. But we have to share. We get our own slipping bags but not mattresses. The first night was chaotic choosing who slept where! Cause apparently some ships have changed. Twizzles wanted Jack and Felix to share a bed while, Broken wanted Jack and Mark to share a bed. Then Twizzles wanted Broken and Mark to share a bed while, Broken wanted Jack and Twizzles to share a bed. Broken and Twizzles just ended up sleeping together with the same mattress. Mark was with Alexis. Jack was with FireBall. Britney was with PewDiePie. Sinnamon was with Rachel, another Britney minion. Chexter was with Cry. I was with, some other girl from class that I didn't know. But this doesn't really matter.
Right now, I was helping collecting food so we wouldn't die or turn on each other. Some of us already looked like we wanted to kill someone. I started lugging a really heavy bag of fruit up to where we set camp. Aka, our classroom. As I was walking up the first flight of stairs, I heard music coming from the next floor. I quickly went up to see something I thought I'd never see. There it was. I shopping cart being pushed by Mark with, Jack hanging off the side and Twizzles on the other side and, Broken and PewDiePie in the cart. There were decorations hanging off the sides and a pin tree in the back of the cart!? PewDiePie held a radio playing Christmas Remixs. They all had shades on. They looked at me and, did a posh face or did a sign with there hands. After the almost slow motion sight, they dashed pasted me and into the classroom. I soon got all the strength I had and put the bag over my shoulder. I hen dashed for the classroom.
There stood a pin tree in the corner of our classroom. Everyone stood there amazed while everyone who was on the cart, stood infringed of if like, they were its bodyguard. The rest of the food collectors came in. We all just stood there. "LETS GET DECORATING!!!!!" Jack yelled out. We then all had a great time decorating the tree.

~Time Skip~
We were literally kids again. We had a prop fireplace and turned it into a real one. We had cozy chairs all set up with the tree right beside he fireplace. We had all our beds near the fireplace area but it was more in the corner. We had all the desks off to the side. Some desks and all chairs were staked up. We were happy here. It was nice and cozy. The girl who I share a mattress with, made hot coco fit everyone too! I glanced at the sight in front of me. Twizzles and Jack shared a chair and blanket together and sipped there hot coco while telling jokes. Mark and Broken shared a chair and blanket while they laughed at each joke Jack and Twizzles would make. Sinnamon and FireBall fell asleep, on each other's shoulders. Britney and her squad shared the couch and a huge blanket. Chexter and Cry sat next to the tree talking about Christmas. Pewds was right up to the fireplace warming himself up. Like I said, we made it an actual fireplace.
I sat in my cozy chair, snuggled up in the warm blanket and sipped my hot coco. This was amazing. Even though this wasn't the Christmas I wanted, it was great. We are all getting along. I wished it could be like this all the time. "Guys! It's 10! We should go to bed! Or else Santa won't come!" Jack yelled out. Like I said, we were like kids again. We then all put our hot coco cups off to the side and went to our beds. I glanced at the cookies and milk we left out with, I little card all for Santa. Now we wait in sleep.

Dec 25th

"Christmas!" FireBall yelled out. We all dashed out of our beds and too the little living area. The cookies and milk were gone and there were presents under the trees! We all went to our own and started opening them. Twizzles got a Septiceye onesie and 707 glasses. Sinnamon got a Septiceye hoodie. FireBall got the whole Fairy Tail manga collection with a Lucy bobblehead. Chexter got a mask almost like Crys but it had eyelashes and lipstick on it. Broken got a sweater with some anime looking dude on it and, two plushies. One was Tiny Box Tim and the other was a white cat. Britney and her squad all got makeup kits with, the addition of a lump of coal. No joke. Mark got a new game controller that was specially designed for him. Jack got he same thing as Mark but for him. Same with Pewds. Everyone looked at Cry. "What did you get Cry?" Chexter asked him. He pulled out this mask that looked exactly like his. He put it over his Mask. The only thing different was it was smiling. It was cute. I then looked back at my present. It was the best thing ever. It was a picture of all of us in the living area here, but it was framed in a Christmas frame. On the back of the picture it said, "Merry Christmas Y/N! You've been a big deal in these people's lives and, you'll become an even bigger deal in time! Love, Santa". I like it. It was cute. I put it in the mantle of the fireplace. We then all sat down and ate breakfast. We then all laughed and sang carols. It was the best Christmas ever.

The End

Also, the cops finally got ride of the snow and we were saved!

Okay, Now This Is The Real The End!

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