The Challenge

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My ears were now exploding over the sound of a fangirl. Broken, to be exact. "Broken, sweetie, you have a problem" FireBall told her. "Not just a problem! You got a guy problem!" Twizzles shouted at Broken. "Jesus, I can now see why Jack likes you! Your so loud!" Broken said rubbing her ears. "I know I'm loud and I'm- wait...... Did you just say that Jack likes me....... Are you serious?" Twizzles asked with a blush on her face. "No. Of course I'm not. Have you not met me?" Broken told her. I could see the saddens in Twizzles eyes. It was like her heart just broke into a million pieces. "I didn't say that you didn't have a chance though....." Broken said looking at her broken hearted friend. Hope then filled Twizzles eyes and I didn't feel bad anymore. "Anyways, I'm going to get back to what I was doing. O.MY.GOSH!!!!!!!" Broken screamed at the top of her lungs. I swear, she has a problem. I walked over to FireBall and asked, "Is this normal?". She looked at me and nodded her head. "Yeah, I've known her since grade school and she's always had this problem. She's says it gets worse when she's PMSing or if she has her potato- I mean period!" FireBall told me. I laughed at what she just said. "Potato?" I asked her. "It was what we say instead of period in grade school" FireBall told me. "Guys! I just remembered what I got!" Broken said sitting under neath the tree. Yes, we're outside. We all came over and she pulled her laptop out of her bag. "I actually just found How Hot and wanted to try it out!" Broken told all of us. "Oh no we're not! You know how the guys got into this challenge!" FireBall commented. "Yeah I know...... Story time!" Broken yelled out knowing that a few of us were clueless, on how they got into this challenge thing. "So, what happened was, Jack decided on playing the game with his friends. He got Mark, Pewds, Ken and, Cry to join him. They started playing and, on the scale, they all got God Like! Even Cry with his mask on got it!" I looked at her surprised. Even a game finds him God Like. "Then, what happened was they started fighting over who was the most God Like! Mark, came up with the idea of the challenge and, everyone agreed on it! And the challenge, is to see how many people think there attractive. They'll keep score and at the end, whoever has the most, is the most God Like! Even better, they gotta try to prove that there God Like to everyone they come across! And obviously, being there friends, there going to definitely come to us!" Broken finished with a little fangirl at the end. "Do you now how sexy some of these dudes can be!?" Broken asked us. Twizzles and Sabrina nodded yes. FireBall shrugged. "I don't see what makes them so attractive" FireBall said. "Have I ever told you that your broken?" Broken asked FireBall. "Actually, your Broken" FireBall responded. Oh the cringe! "I hate you" Broken said glaring daggers at her. "Awww! I love you too!" FireBall said smiling. "Well, when are they coming?" Sabrina asked. "I don't know. Apparently one of them is supposed to text me and tell me where they'll be" Broken answered. "Where they'll be?" I asked. "Yeah, apparently, there going to put on a little show" Broken told me. "Oh! Before we go, is anyone uncomfortable with this?" Broken asked. Everyone shook there heads no. "Y/N? Are you okay with it?" FireBall asked me. "Yeah, I'm fine with it" I responded. "Great! Then let's wait for the text!" Broken declared as she pulled out her phone and put away her laptop.
A couple minutes went by and, Broken's phone went off. She quickly read over the text and smiled. "They just texted me and said it was going to be in the drama room!" Broken said standing up. Everyone followed her and stood up. We then all walked to the drama room and sat in the seats. I then realized, there were only a few other people in the room. "Guys, now that I think about this, isn't this not allowed?" I asked everyone. "What do you mean?" Asked Twizzles. "I mean, aren't you not allowed to us a stage during lunch? And aren't they going crazy over one stupid game?" I asked. "It's normal here, plus, our lunch breaks are supposed to be really long so we can do stuff like this. That's what they want us to do" Twizzles told me. I nodded my head and looked at the stage. The lights suddenly turned off and a bunch of disco lights went off. "Here we go....." I thought as the curtains opened.

First Performance:
Die Young- Jacksepticeye, Markiplier and, Pewdiepie

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