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"This can't be happening......" I thought as Ken jumped up and down while throwing his arms everywhere. "Are you serious dude!?" Mark asked Ken with a surprised look on his face. "I'm serious! The Minecrafters dared me to do it and I can never back away from a dare!" Ken said freaking out. "You know what'll happen if they find out, right?" Jack asked Ken. "I know, I know! They'll kill me!" Ken said now looking like he was about to cry. "Why don't we check them out then?" Cry asked. "Are you crazy!? It's, Twizzles, Fireballs, Sabrina's, Ivy's and, Broken's phones!!!" Ken said pulling out a ziplock bag. That's right, Ken was dared by the Minecrafters to, steal these girls phones. Thank God I wasn't on the list. "I actually agree with Cry" Minx said. "I mea, we got them so why not take a quick peek?" She asked. "We don't even know there passwords" I commented. Some of the guys then looked away. "What?" I asked. "Well, I know Broken's....." Mark answered. "I know Twizzles, Sabrina's and, Ivy"s......" Jack also answered. "I also know Broken's....." Cry also answered. "I know everyone's" Pewds lastly answered. "What!?" Mark asked. "How!?" Jack also asked. "They just trust me" Pewds said shrugging. "Since when are you good with women?" Cry asked. "I guess I'm just too fabulous~" Pewds answered doing the weird thing with his hands. "What else do they tell you?" I asked. "Well, they always say they trust me with this stuff but, it's really personal stuff. That's all I'm saying!" Pewds said crossing his arms. "Okay then....." I said looking back at Ken. "So let's do this!" Minx said grabbing the the ziplock bag. "Hold on there, Minx" said a male voice. I turned to the voice to see Mithzan and the Minecrafters walking over. "We want to see this too!" ThatGuyBarney said running over to us. He sat down on the ground with the rest of us. Then, the Minecrafters followed and sat down. Sky sat down right next to me. He is the only Minecrafter I know. "Well, now that were all here, let's open these up!" Minx said unzipping the ziplock bag. She pulled out the first one which was green and had a Septiceye Sam on it. "That's Sabrina's" Jack said as Minx handed it to him so, he could put in the password. He typed in the password and handed it back to Minx. "Okay, first things first, let's check out her apps!" Minx then tapped on a group of apps and looked through them. "Notten interesting.... On to her pictures!" Minx said going into her pictures. She scanned through them and stopped at a picture. "Jack, there's a bunch of you...." Minx said holding the phone up to Jack. "What!?" Jack asked turning red. "She must like you, Jack" Mark said elbowing Jack. She scared through the rest and found nothing else interesting. "Should we go through her texts?" Minx asked everyone. Cry, ThatGuyBarney, Mithzan, Sky and, Ken nodded yes. The rest of us just shook our heads. "Looks like yes wins!" Minx said pressing on messages. She scanned through them. "Notten, let's see if she has Skype or somten" Minx said looking for anything again. "She's got Instagram and all that junk but, that's not personal" Minx said turning off her phone. Sky then grabbed a phone out of the ziplock. It's had Golden Freddy on it. "That's Twizzles" Jack said putting out his hand. Sky gave him the phone and Jack put in her password. He handed it back and he started looking through it. "Let's go with pictures first" he said taping on her pictures. He scanned through them. "There mostly pictures of Golden Freddy, FNAF in general and, Jack" Sky said. "More pictures of me!?" He asked. Sky nodded his head yes. "Now it's time for apps" Sky scanned through her apps and shrugged. "Nothing good. There are a couple texting apps but that's it" he said looking up from her phone. "Texts?" He asked everyone. I didn't even answer but, everyone else just said yes. Sky then scanned through her texts. "There's something her crush but she doesn't mention his name. I think it's Jack" Sky said pointing at Jack. "Why do so many girls like me!?" Jack asked. Sky shrugged. "I think that's it" Sky said putting the phone back. "I'll pick one!" Cry said as he reached into the ziplock. He pulled one out that had a case that said, "I ship it hard". "Not that one!" Pewds said as he grabbed the phone from Cry. "Why not?" Cry asked. "It's one filled with things you'll never forget....." Pewds said holding the phone close to him. "Oh, come on Pewds! It can't be that bad!" Minx said grabbing the phone from Pewds. She then turned it on and typed in a password. She got it right the first time. "How'd you know her password?" I asked. "I knew" Minx responded. She then opened up her pictures and started scanning through them. I'm seconds, she turned the phone off and dropped it. "What the hell is wrong with that girl!?" Minx asked staring at the phone in horror. "I told you!" Pewds said not helping at all. "Come on guys! She's just a teenage girl! How bad can it be?" Mark asked picking up the phone. Cry then came around to Marks shoulder and watched him. Jack was also looking. I'm guessing that Mark opened up pictures cause he was scanning through what ever it was. He then stopped and all three guys stared. "Oh. My. God." Jack said. "No, no, no! I'm not looking anymore!" Jack said looking away and rubbing his eyes. Marks face turned red and I could see a bit of red on Cry's, so from the sides of the mask. "What's so bad?" I asked. Mark handed me the phone. I scanned through the picture albums. There was one with a blank picture on the front and it was called personal. I opened it up and saw what they saw. I quickly turned off the phone and put it back in the ziplock. "Do you think that's really her?" I asked. "I.... don't....know....." Mark answered. "Who ever it was, it was someting that can make a guy go crazy!" Jack said still rubbing his eyes. "I just found it surprising. Do you guys not take pictures of yourself in your PJS?" Minx asked. Everyone shook there heads no. "I need to see what else is on here....." Cry said picking out her phone from the ziplock. He then sat back to were he was. "Ok then, who's going next?" Mark asked. "I'll go!" ThatGuyBarney said pulling out a phone. It had a phone booth with the words "You can never offend a British women" on it. "That's Fireballs" Pewds said. ThatGuyBarney handed Pewds the phone and he put in the password. Once ThatGuyBarney got it back, he instantly went to her pictures. "Nothing bad" ThatGuyBarney said getting out of her pictures. He went into her messages. "Nothing bad here" he said getting out of her messages. He then looked at all her apps. "Nothing's bad about her phone, good" he said putting the phone back. Cry then put Broken's phone back too. I could see that his face was red from behind the mask. "Well, we just went through all of them, you guys happy?" Pewds asked everyone. Some of us said yes and others just didn't say anything. "Now, Ken, go put those back before they find out!" Pewds told Ken. "Before who finds out about what?" I heard Twizzles ask. I turned to her who was behind me. Ken quickly hide the phones. "Oh nothing!" Ken tried to hide it. "What's going on?" Fireball asked. "Nothing!" Ken said starting to sweat. Everyone had a fake smile on there faces. "Somethings obviously up!" Broken said walking over to us. Everyone then stared at her. "What?" She asked. "NOTHING!!!!" Ken said now covered in sweat. "All right! What are we all talking about?" Sabrina asked, walking up to the group. "Well you people stop popping up!?" Pewds yelled while he jumped around throwing his arms around. His arm then hit Ken and the phones hit Twizzles in the face. Fireball picked up the phone and stared at us. "Who's responsible for this!?" She asked looking mad. We all pointed at Ken. "Ken!? You took our phones!?" She asked now mad. "....yes...." Ken said quietly while closing his eyes. "What did you all do with our phones!?" Fireball asked. "We, um, looked at your pictures" Sky answered. "YOU WHAT!?!?" Broken asked staring daggers at him. "YOU SAW ALL OF OUR PICTURES!?!?" Broken asked. She was as mad as the time Pewds said Foxica. ".....yes......" Mark answered. Broken's face then turned all red. "BrokenSong, we just need Broken!" Fireball said looking mad but not as mad as Broken. "OH SHES ALREADY HERE!!!!" Broken said charging towards Ken. Ken then turned around and started running. Broken chased after him almost everywhere on school grounds. When she finally caught him, she grabbed his ear and dragged him into the school. "He's definitely going to the locker" Pewds said watching Ken get pulled in. "You guys aren't off the hook either!" Fireball said staring at Pewds. "So did all of you guys see Broken's pictures? Her's are very personal" Fireball asked. "Only, Minx, Jack, Mark and, Cry" Aphmau answered. "Oh God. Ok, what about all of out reading lists on Wattpad?" Fireball asked. "No we didn't even go into Wattpad" YourPalRoss answered. "Ok good" Fieball said. I then saw the late bus, that I've been waiting for drive up. "Nope, not the locker but he's getting something" Pewds said as he noticed the bus. "Well, I'll see you guys later!" I said grabbing my bag and walking to the bus.

"What trouble these guys can cause....." I thought as I boarded the bus.

Oh. My. God. I technically based this chapter off of a conversation I had with a friend. The next chapter will include more story than this though. Anyways, if you liked the, vote, comment or, follow! Thx!

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