Chapter 1: opening kills

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  During the summer, Iron gate Amusement park was one of the hottest places you could be at in lost land, Florida. Many families found the rides relaxing, because it was often called a kids park instead of a park for teenagers.

  The park had a mascot running around all day, his name was bubbles the clown. The kids enjoyed his warm happy spirit. He would make ballon animals and sing songs for the kids. He was consider no harm to anyone one.
  Step right up kids, get tickets tonight to see the amazing bubbles the clown perform, yelled a loud voice over the noise box.

  It was about 9:34 at night and two little girls wanted to ride the head smasher roller coaster. The lights for the coaster was on, but no cars where moving and nobody was in line. At first they thought everybody was at the bubbles the clown show. They turned around and started heading to all the nights and music.

  Then the roller coasters lights turned off. The two girls turned around, standing still in fear.  Then the lights turned back on, but only the red and purple lights were on. Then music started playing for the coaster, it was music from a old ice cream car that would drive up and down the streets.
"Should we go on the coaster", said on the girls. The other one stated yes because if it was closed the rides lights wouldn't be on. Both the girls started walking into the line and disappeared under the coasters shadow. The girls got to the top to see the cars waiting, opened for them. They sat down and buckled each other in.
  One girl said that this was going to be so fun. They waited and waited for someone to come by to give them the clear to go.
"Maybe we should get off, nobody is coming! Then a clown appears in front of them. The clown was bloody and his custom was ripped.
  One girl said to look because it was bubbles the clown.  The bloody clown buckled the seat beats, then he walked over to the control pad and picked up a ax.
  What's that for, said one of the girls. The clown looked at them then walked to the front of the car and hit the wheels, destroying them. "Bubbles you need to stop, you are scaring us. The clown looked up, and the shadow of the coaster barely showed his face, just the out line. The clown ran over to them really fast and the girls both screamed a little, but no Loud enough for anyone to hear. The clown picked up the ax and one of the girls hand and cut it nice off. The girl who's hand that was just cut off screams and unbuckles herself and try's to run off the platform. She falls and the clown walks up behind her and cuts her back. The girl bleeds out on the platform.
  The clown turned to the other girl, she scream really loud and try's to unbuckle herself, when the clown grabs her arm and tires her hands to the bar in front of her. She screams and yells at bubbles to stop.
  He looked at her and lightly touched her face as a tear falls from her eye.
  Please let me go the girl said quietly. The clown looks at her then walks to the control pad. He puts his hand up and gives the all clear. Then the Roller coaster starts moving, the destroyed wheels made sparks as it moves.
  The cart starts to go up the hill and the girl screams for help, below she sees the live performance of bubbles the clown in the white tent. Then She looks down and sees the bloody bubbles the clown smiling. Help she screamed. Then the cart got to the top of the hill and goes down. The cart starts to falls off the track as it turns. The cart goes faster and faster shaking her. Then both of the front wheels burst off and shoots into the sky. The cart falls over itself and falls off the track. The girl screams as she hits the ground.
  The bloody clown walks over with the ax, lifts up the cart she was in to see that she was beheaded. The clown smiled and started hitting her with the ax over and over again. The clown stands up with blood on him. He sees the pool of blood forming and goes to the ground and rolls around in it like a dog. Completely covering himself in fresh blood. Then the roller coasters lights turns off and all you can hear is the ice cream music playing in the background...

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