"I'll handle it," Alec told the rest of them, setting down his script for a moment, "really, get back to your jobs."

After a moment of anxious hesitation, the small crowd dispersed when Alec started to move towards the duo. When he came in closer to them, he realized that Emma now seemed to be swinging from a very precarious position, looking as if she might tumble off the wire all together at any moment. He got the feeling though, that this young girl would easily be able to land on her feet like a feline if she did fall. Sh seemed like the type of girl who might let go on purpose to see if she could land without getting hurt at all.

"Emma, please!" Julian was tilting his head back to look up at her, his tone was starting to sound irritated, "we are supposed to be working!"

"Ms. Lovelace doesn't need her stuntwoman right now," Emma had finished her donut, and bits of glaze clung to the corners of her mouth, "and I needed a donut. Relax Julian, I'm on break anyways."

"Well my break doesn't start for another thirty minutes," Julian told her crossly, running his hands nervously through her hair, "and those donuts were for the actors for crying out loud! Emma, at least come down from there, you're going to fall."

"I have to agree with the young gentleman's last phrase," Alec spoke up, looking up at Emma. Julian whipped his head around, his bright eyes widening with shock. The girl seemed started as well, and her hands slipped from the rope. Alec nearly let out a shout when she fell, and her friend rushed over in horror.

It turned out that she didn't need anyone to catch her, though. With a flashing smile Alec could only see for a moment, she tucked herself into a ball midair. She hit the ground and rolled neatly again to a crouching position, as if she was just about to leap. Emma stood up, brushing off her dark clothing and flicking her thick braid behind her. Alec could almost feel the pride and confidence radiating off of her, and suddenly realized that he was reminded of his own sister. This brought with it a sharp pang. It had been so long since he had moved in with Magnus, and he had only spoken to his younger sister once or twice over the phone. Isabelle had continued to call him, but Alec didn't feel like picking up anymore, not if it brought with the rush of it, the reminder that he didn't even really belong to that part of his family anymore.

"Mr. Lightwood," Julian spoke up first, and he looked mortified, "I'm so sorry that you had to see that. Please, I'm really, really sorry about Emma."

Emma looked so indignant to be apologized for that Alec nearly laughed out loud. Then, she turned to him, her eyes were friendly and curious.

"Mr. Lightwood!" she moved over, shaking his hand boldly, much to her friend's horror, "It's so nice to meet you. My uncle told me a lot about you, you know."

"Your uncle?" Alec managed, pulling his hand away.

"Oh, you might know him as Jem Carstairs," Emma told him matter-of-factly, "but I know him as my Uncle Jem."

"Oh," Alec felt quiet pleasantness at the mention of his friend, "he never mentioned a niece who was also a stuntwoman."

"Uncle Jem's quiet about me," Emma told him sincerely, "well, he's pretty quiet about everything, so I'm not offended."

"Your Uncle Jem's cat always seems to be offended by everything, though," Julian added in from behind the two of them.

"Church is just not good with mornings," Emma's voice was light and good-natured, there was amusement tinting it, "By the way, he sends his regards to your family for taking care of his cat when he was lost."

"Church....is Jem's cat?" Alec's eyes widened, startled, "my family has been taking care of that thing for such a long time now."

"My uncle moved to London for a while," Emma explained to him, "before the whole actor thing happened, you know? He couldn't bring Church with him, so he left him at a very expensive pet resort. Church then proceeded to run off, and when he returned, he was gone. Well, at least Uncle Jem seems a lot happier now that his cat is back."

"I wouldn't call it a cat," Julian grumbled to himself, "that thing has got to be part demon."

"Don't be ridiculous," Emma sounded pleased with the idea of a demon cat, "there are no such things as demons in this world. By the Angel, Julian, everyone knows that."

"I'm on Julian's side with this one," Alec said, very dryly. Julian managed at shy smile, which Alec returned.

Emma shrugged to herself, tucking some of her lose hair out of her face, behind her ear.

"Well, it really was nice to be able to meet you, Mr. Lightwood," she told him.

"Please," Alec told them, "Mr. Lightwood just makes me uncomfortable. You can call me Alec."

"Of course," Julian told him, moving to stand next to Emma. He moved in a way that was almost on reflex, as if he had stood by the girl for most of his life. He moved in a way that he had done over and over so many times before, to always defend her when something might happen. Emma wiped some of the glaze harshly from her mouth.

"I'm sorry I ate your donut," Emma told him in a way of saying goodbye. She walked off brashly, Julian close behind her.

That seemed to be the only word that Alec could really use to describe the girl: brash. She rushed into things, always enjoying the rush of action happening in whirlwinds of chaos. Emma, she was so different from mild and gentle Jem. She was a brightly burning star, who had no time for life to pull her down, and all the time in the world for adventure and experiencing anything new. She was someone who liked it when things were happening, who craved new adventures and rising events like waves surrounding her.

Then, Alec realized, that instead of her Uncle Jem, who she was really like.


Jace, another part of his heart that almost seemed to be fading away, slowly and painfully. If Emma was Jace, with her way of making the world notice her, with her bright and blinding aura, then Julian reminded Alec of himself. He always seemed to be in Emma's shadow, but he didn't seem to mind it. He just wanted to be there to protect her if the rest of the world got too exciting too fast. Just like how Alec had wanted to protect Jace for his entire life.

He watched as the two of them walked off, Emma smiling a little at something the boy was whispering quickly into her ear. The two of them were like pieces to a puzzle, fitting together so easily. He had once been like that, with someone, as well. It tugged at his heart so hard that in that moment, Alec wondered if Jace was feeling that tug as well. He missed him so much, he missed the other boy so much that it almost felt as if it was hurting him.

Then, Alec took the phone out of his pocket, dialing his long time best friend's familiar number.

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