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Anime: Blue Exorcist (Ao No Exorcist)



I watched the green haired demon from below as he hung upside down from a tree in the forest, looking at the sucker in his mouth. I wondered all that time if there could possibly be anything else sweet, that is better for him, that he'd prefer over suckers. after he turned into a hamster, we walked to the dorm, and came by a grocery store, I entered alone and I bought a jar of (?). I walked back outside, grocery bag in hand, and picked him up again, continuing to the dorm.

As we arrived at the dorm, he again was in his regular human-like form, and I watched as he ran into the closet to grab more candy for his pockest. I wondered if this was a good time to give him the (?). I watched as he walked out of the closet, jacket pockets full of candy.

"Hey Nic, I was wond-"

"Heads up 'maimon!" I cut him off by throwing the (?) at him. He stared curiously at the jar, and looked at the ingredients.

"Hey Nic, what's a Nutella?" He simply asked, and I burst out laughing at him. I only just moved here and I knew what it was, it was good on toast, on a spoon, with fruit, et cetera. It was my favourite human invention! (sorry if you don't like Nutella.)

"It's spreadable chocolate." I said, grabbing a slice of bread, and getting the toaster. "Here, I'll show you." I turned the dial to two minutes and let it toast, getting a knife and taking the jar from Amaimon before he got the substance all over his claws and fingers trying to get it out of the jar.

The bread finished toasting and I put it onto a small plate. Opening the jar with the knife, removing the tinfoil, I placed a large glob onto the bread, and spread it around, Amaimon intently watching me every step of the way. I gave him the singular slice, and he grabbed it, carefully examining it before he rolled it up, and stuck the whole thing into his mouth at once. Not a single trace of it on his face. (surprising I know right?)

I watched as he refused to chew it, and instead slid the whole thing down his throat. I made the next slice and instead of giving it to him I took a regular bite out of it first.

"See this?" I pointed to my face. " This, my dear Amaimon, is how you eat Nutella on toast. Give at a try, and don't just swallow it, you've got to chew it." I explained, and handed the toast to him. He hesitantly took a large bite and chewed it thoroughly before swallowing.

"And...?" I asked. Watching him look at the toast.

"It's good." He said. The same old expression gracing his features. I grew annoyed. "Hey, does this have hazelnuts in it?" He asked, and I grew disturbed as to how he knew that after only skimming over the ingredients, and only tasting it once.

"Yeah, I mean, that is why its called Nut-ella." I said, and let go of the fact that he knew about the nuts.

"Thought so. anyways, I should get going. Brother wishes me to kill someone." He said, and with that, unwrapped another lollipop, stuck it in his mouth, and waved goodbye as he jumped out the window.

But ever since that day, the toaster has never been put away, and I've found Nutella in every, single nook, and cranny in the dorm.

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