The Wings of Doubt

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Anime: Heavens Lost Property

POV: Ikaros


My whole life has been a story, I decide to show you a sad start, and an okay end.

I grew up, in a place called home,

and earthly dad, and a mom like drone.

and recently,

if you cant see,

I've fallen into a trap,

my wings are gone, they've been torn out of my back.

And now I see, my mistake,

a emotional ride, in which I mustn't take place

I met a boy, so sweet and kind,

who wants me to go, on that roller coaster ride.

So as I look, at my bloody pool;

of wings, and feathers, and bloody drool,

I think, what if,

I go with him,

and leave behind, that single sin.

So I sit down, a seat behind,

wondering, if this is kind,

I look at him, as the ride starts,

and wonder if,

he has the smarts,

to figure out,

if I'm just right,

and wonder if, I should be about.

Now the ride starts, and he reaches back,

to hold my hand, on this gruesome track,

now as I go, through blood and gore,

he sees right through, to my rotten core.

I should've know, as one more rider,

that no one could see, my life that way,

now one more sits, in one behind me,

and looking back, there sits he.

Now as the ride hits the peak, where life is good,

everything stops, still as wood,

suddenly a fall, a plummet down,

so, so fast, as if I'll drown.

We've hit a slow patch, all eyes on me,

staring in, uncertainty,

and even if I know, this cant go on,

I wish I could stay here, even if its just till dawn.

I spill the truth, the bloody past,

in which I, wish to surpass,

but now its out, free to see,

now all eyes, are off of me.

looking forward, one last drop,

one last pain, until it stops,

and now I know, of the world around,

everything's better, than what I've found.

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