Any other way

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Anime: SAO (Sword Art Online)
POV: You

FYI: this oneshot got deleted after a, 'misfortunate', event, it'll be bad, just hang in there.


I watched, the impulsive waves of the gravity attack hit is, not effecting Kirito or his unfortunate opponent. This all started when Akihiko Kayaba, the game developer, revealed that he was the boss on the final level, explaining why his health bar never got below green. He gave Kirito, one of the best in-game players, a chance to defeat him now, or wait until they got to the 100th level, and if he lost, Akihiko killed him.

"No!" I pleaded, body stuck to the floor like a boulder in a desert. "P-please! Stop! Stop!" I screamed out to them crying, like a baby with no candy. I watched as Akihiko slowly pulled the sword fight on top of me, the lucerator and liberator tearing my back to shreds. But its just a game, right? No real pain, right? I watched, as slowly my health bar depleted, green, yellow, orange, as slowly Kirito moved the fight away from me.

Akihiko lost focus of the gravity shield, giving a few of the stronger men the ability to move around, crawling but moving, and offered me a multitude of different healing stones and regeneration crystals. I declined all of them, as some of us go hit harder than the rest by the sudden increase of gravity.

Slowly, but surely I got off the ground, pulling away from the ground, I got out pin-daggers, shooting them at him, but his armour was too thick. i was from an order called the feather jaguars, all of us having maxed out our speed and agility levels, having extremely good aim as well. you would think that would help and for the stunt i was about to pull it would.

It all passed by as if in slow motion. I ran up behind Akihiko Kayaba, and Kirito took his eyes off the fight for a split second, giving Kayaba the perfect chance to throw the liberator, (his sword) at Kirito. I quickly jumped onto Akihiko's shoulders, tightening my legs and jumping off in a spin, snapping his neck. I shot my eyes a glance over to Krito as I tilted the sword by the handle, making it go straight upwards, I saw pain and sadness in already burdened eyes. I looked up as I propelled forward so that my back was right under the liberator, making me its next target. I looked once more at the sad world, and watched, as my already low health bar dropped to zero.


I looked as (Y/N) jumped onto his shoulders, and snapped his neck as he threw his sword in my (general) direction. I saw one last glimpse of her (e/c) eyes as she tilted the sword in an upward motion. I watched as the sword rolled around and she stared in horror as it pierced her back.

I ran over, and grabbed the sword, holding it upright in her as her health bar depleted into nothing, and her body went up into millions of little sparkles, and shimmers, beautiful, just like her. I looked down, at the liberator, the final thing to touch, her perfect body. I thought of her porcelain face, as a single tear, rolled silently down my cheek.

I then saw, as I continued to look down, everything, in this cruel generated world, was tuning into the same little shards. The wooden door, the stone cold floor, all of the people. I took this as a sign that we won, that evryone had won.

That they had won.

That me, and (Y/N), had won.


Sap! Sadness! Chick flick book! Contradicting words! Uggh, I need to know, even though this is technically a rewrite, if its good of not, because my first good copy was deleted, (I write on me mums computer and my ipad.) and I really am sorry, I wish I had published it before I went and accidentally deleted it.

Anyways, I'll see you in the next chapter!

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