"You and I have a lot to talk about." In a muffled tone so only I could hear, she added, "Preferably without my husband's wandering ears."

I raised an eyebrow at her. "Oh we do?"

She gives me a condescending look. "Of course. I've heard about this certain guy in your life. I think you owe me an explanation."

"Then there is a lot to tell," I replied with a small laughter.

Half an hour later, Emma and I were racking it up at her favorite department store. Julia was with us in her stroller, being the patient little girl she was. At only one and a half years old, she was just like her mommy grabbing any shiny material she saw.

"So Caleb, huh."

Em's been quiet about the new man in my life for the first hour we arrived at the mall. I actually thought she would start drilling me questions as soon as Paul announced he was going to the orphanage to do the volunteer work he promised. Being the politician he was (as well as his family), he had a reputation to uphold.

Although I knew his intentions weren't just for the press. He truly was a genuine guy.

I browsed through the rack aimlessly, failing to keep a smile off of my face. Even without Caleb around me, he still managed to change my mood. "Why, Em. That took you quite a while to get the nerves to ask me. I thought you'd never get around to it."

"Oh please," she muttered pulling up a blouse to her body, examining it in a mirror. "You know I have more balls than most of men at this store right now."

Ladies and gentlemen, Emma's bright use of words.

"Oh that I know for sure. That's why I never made bets or dares with you when we were younger." I pulled out a mint green top that was in my size. "Does it look good on me, Em? Does it bring out the color in my eyes?" I mimicked her.

Shooting me a glare, she shook her head. "Actually it brings out the ugly color of your hair." Playfully pouting, I returned the shirt to the rack. "Come on, Ann. You know I've been dying here. Spill."

I sighed and took hold of Julia's stroller rolling her to the other side where her mother was. "His name is Caleb. He works as the head architect of the company. He's from London. He has a nice smile." Em threatened me to stop with a look that could kill. I sighed. "Well what do you want to know? He's a nice man that makes me happy."

She kept on asking me questions about him and us while she continued shopping. I took Julia out of her stroller and played around her in my arms.

"He paid for your ticket to Vegas?" She exclaimed, her jaw dropping. "That might as well have been marriage!" There she went again with her over exaggeration.

"It was very sweet of him." Julia found a new interest in my hair. At least she wasn't pulling on it. For now. "I'm also meeting his family for the first time right after." I frowned. "Don't you think our relationship is moving on too fast?"

"Fast? There's no such thing as fast if it's love. You only get it once, minus in some circumstances of course, but Ann, maybe this is it for you."

I pursed my lips taking in her words. "How was your relationship with Paul? Didn't you guys get married after almost four years of being together?"

She nodded with a happy look on her face. "Yes, but we're not talking about marriage yet in your situation. Just go along with it, Ann. Don't think too much. Especially that what's her name?" I followed her to the empty dressing room besides the salesperson at the door giving her the tag.

"Liv," I reminded her sitting down on one of the chairs inside the women's dressing.

"Yes her. God knows what kind of drama comes up with the ex girlfriend." Her voice was muffled by the door separating the two of us. "I'd rather for you to not bring her up ever or drama will ensue." She popped her head out. "Personal experience."

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