"I can't answer that. It was your uncles idea. He didn't want you involved." Leo sighs placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder. I shrug it off angrily, pacing back and forward.

Apparently, Ralph didn't trust me anymore to tell me his company was spiraling into disaster.

"I know this is allot to take in but-"

"What about the vice president. If Ralph is unable to attend shouldn't he be there?"

"He's stranded on Isolah. With it being tornado season up there, we are not sure if he will make it here by Friday for the conference in Chicago."

"Ugh! Can't the board just show up for the company?" I growl spinning around and almost colliding into one of the men.

"We need someone solid down there Miss Bradbury. The entire board of directors can't show up to represent a company. It shows a disorganized base. Not to mention that's ridiculous."

"The board can get someone to go then. This is a company with over five hundred thousand employees, I'm pretty sure we can find someone to go there."

"It's not that simple. This is a private business owned by your family. Decisions made at the conference will shape the future of this company. We can't send in just anyone to risk something so big. Especially with the recently fragile position the company is in and the threat from within." One of the men, said turning to me.


"A threat was made against the company two weeks ago. And it was discovered that someone has been selling our designs to our competition."

"Yeah, and he also decided to keep that from me as well" I growl increasingly getting agitated.

I looked up to find all of them starring at me with thoughtful looks that had me taking a cautious step back.


"I can't believe they are making me go to the conference." I groan lightly brushing Ralph's disheveled locks with my fingers.

The men were long gone leaving me with Ralph and Leo.

"You are the only choice they have." Leo sighed behind me.

"I don't know much about the company anymore. And Ralph has been denying information from me. He would not want me within a mile of that conference." I sigh my head dipping to lay on my hands now currently on Ralph's bed.

"That's not true. If he didn't want you anywhere near his company he wouldn't have given the entire thing to you in his will."

"He did what?" My head snapped up and swung to met Leo's piercing eyes.

"He gave everything to you. All the company, money, mansions, everything. That's why Lillian hates you so much. She is his stepwife and all she gained was a mansion in France, divorce papers and a probation away from you."

"She attacked me-!"

"Because you, a girl who isn't truly his swarmed right in and he gave you everything. And she was forced to watch the entire thing. She discovered the will three years ago, in his documents. That's why she went batshit crazy and attacked you."

"She killed my baby. She murdered my unborn child!" I scream whipping around to face him in rage. I gasped stumbling backwards at the person behind him. He glanced back but didn't seam surprised by her appearance here.

"I didn't know you were pregnant Desiree. And no direct prove was found that I was responsible for that."

"Direct prove? I watched you plunge a knife into my gut in the middle of the night three times. You wanted me dead!"

"You lost allot of blood and were unconscious for two weeks. It was dark and you didn't see much-"

"Out! Get out!" I screamed.

"Nana, they only have chocolate ice cream. I wanted caramel fudge swirl with cotten candy" A small famine voice chided as she skipped into the room. My pupils dialated at the little blonde from yesterday, now standing in front of Lillian.

"Mira?" My voice was barely a whisper but she swung around nonetheless and beamed when she saw me.

"It's you! With the nice boobies!" She beamed running to wrap her hands around my waist. I look down at the little girl still in shock.

Who ever thought I'd be known for my boobs?

All I could think was the fact that if she was here then that ment-

"Mom, have you seen Mira? I thought I saw her go in here-Desiree?" Max froze in the doorway starring shocked at me.

My brain wouldn't stop repeating what he just called her.


As in mother?

As in Lillian is his mother.

Lillian is Maxwell Knights mother!?




Smile!! (;

Short Update. =)
Last chap was getting freakin long so I cut this part out. Hehe

Next chap might be in Max's POV. =) Possibly...still thinking about it...proudly not...or maybe?...meh.

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