The Movies

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Later on that night Benjamin, picked up Katie and headed to the movie theater. Steve was already on line. Janice was running late. They all decided to see that new "Godzilla Is The Man" movie. Starring Lapitta Jones and Matthew Talivine. Steve purchased Janice's ticket for her. They all went to purchase their snacks. Another line they all was excited to see the movie. Janice still hadn't come yet.

After the doctor visit Janice went home. She never been so upset in her life. She was told she was having twins. How could this have happened to her did the devil hate her that much. Damn did she breakup with him or something? Did she step on his big toe? When she first started working she gave the wrong order once, was it to him oh god he's mad I gave him tea instead of coffee. Janice was thinking so hard she made herself sick. She fell asleep. She never made it to the movies.

Back at the movie theater, the movie was about to start so they went to sit down. Steve tried calling Janice but it went straight to voicemail.

Janice didn't hear the phone ring because her phone was dead and she was so upset she forgot to charge it.

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