The Lilliac Cafe

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This was the place to eat. They made the best coffee and they had a wide variety of cookies and cakes. Bread and ice cream. Donuts lets not forget them. The cafe was located right across from William's office building. A couple of times he has had Katie meet him there.

Katie loved the heart shaped jelly cookies with her coffee. William was more of a tea man. They didn't serve tea. Katie found herself going to the cafe solo. She really loved the cookies. One day while she was at her favorite booth sipping on her hot coffee and dipping her cookies in every other bite. A guy walked up to her booth. ' Can I sit here? I promise not to bother you there are no more seats and I don't like taking my food to my job.' 'Sure' said Katie. 'My name is Benjamin what is your name if you don't mind me asking.' Katie giggled 'no I don't mind my name is Katie.

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