The Lilliac Cafe (12:45)

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It was going on twelve forty five and the rush just calmed down. Janice came over to katie and Benjamin's table 'I will see you guys later after my appointment' Janice said. 'I forgot to ask what is the appointment for? Is there something wrong?' Katie asked. 'Ok I'll tell you but don't tell Steve. I've been taken everything from birth control to depo shots. I don't want a baby at least not his baby. I don't have the heart to tell him because I love him. Promise you won't tell him.' Janice said.

'I understand' said Katie. Benjamin felt a little uneasy with this conversation. He felt the need to speak up. 'Uuummmm Janice he needs to know because one he loves you. Two he thinks you want one to and he's trying to get you pregnant. Three honesty is the key to a good relationship. Why don't you want his baby? Benjamin blurted out. 'Because he's still immature, he lives with his mother and all he does is play video games on his day off. I love him though.

Janice said see you later and she was gone. Katie and Benjamin couldn't believe what they just heard.

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