The Breakup

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Katie and Benjamin made their way across the street to William's office. It was a very tall building one of twenty eight floors. William worked on the eighteenth floor. The security guard said it was ok to go up. They signed their names he gave them a pass. They headed towards the elevator.

On the eightieth floor the secretary wasn't at her desk. She must be late. Katie walked straight into his office to see him on the leather sofa with the secretary both naked. 'This sorry son of a b is your fiancé?' Benjamin grabbed him by the arm and pushed him on the floor. Katie went up to the secretary and smacked her so hard she left a print. ' That was because you knew about me you dirty excuse for a woman' then she walked over to William who was still on the floor.

She pulled out the hot tea and said drink up then poured it on his naked body. Katie then turned to Benjamin and said 'and that my dear friend is how you end a relationship steaming hot.' then they started laughing as they walked back to the Lilliac Cafe.

Just for the record the breakup happened two years after the engagement.

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