He broke everything.

He broke me!

Third Person's POV

Mr Usman was sitting on the bed and reading a magazine when Mrs Usman entered the room.

"Zahra, come here i want to talk to you." He called her as soon as she entered the room

"Is everything alright Usman?" She worriedly asked.

"Yes, actually I'm worried about Aaliyan!" He said.

"I know, I'm too Usman!" She sadly replied.

"But...um...i have a solution for this problem." Mr Usman said with a glimpse of hope in his eyes.

"What is it?" Zahra happily asked.

"His marriage and i have found the girl!" He replied making Zahra the happiest women on earth.

"Who is she Usman?" Mrs Zahra inquisitively asked.

"She works in our company, her name is Kiran Hammad!" Mr Usman happily replied.

"Do you think she will adjust in our lives?" Mrs Zahra asked.

"Definitely! She's the girl who can bring our Aaliyan back to us!" He replied with teary eye's.

"Let's proceed with this naik kaam then!" She replied happily.

"InshAllha!" Mr Usman replied.

3 weeks later

Aaliyan's POV

We were eating our breakfast.

"We have a news for you!" My dad said.

"What dad?" I looked at him.

"Your getting married!" He replied looking happily at me.

I looked at my mom who too was smiling.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"We mean that we found a beautiful girl for you and we want you to get married with her!" I didn't get what they were saying.

"What!" I almost shouted.

"NO, NEVER!" I replied while getting up.

"Sit and listen to us beta!" My mom said and i sat down.

"We can't see you like this beta, Look at you what have you done to yourself, you don't go out with your friends nor visit your company, We can't see you like this, we will die soon, we can't leave our one and only child alone in this world. Those who die, we can't die with them, we have to live with or without them and you know what? right now Zaineb would also wish that you'll be happy, please for the sake of god, for us, for Zaineb agree on this marriage! please!" She completed with tears falling down her eye's.

I couldn't see her like this.

I got up from my seat and went towards her.

I rubbed the tears in her eye's and hugged her tightly.

"I'll do as you say!" I replied with a stone on my heart.

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