Chapter 4

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Third Person's POV

"Aaliyan You have to come!" Sara shouted through the cell phone.

"Please try to understand Sara i can't you know that very well!" Aaliyan replied irritatingly.

"Why Aaliyan? what the big deal happen?" Sara was on the verge of her anger.

"WHAT THE BIG DEAL HAPPEN! are you mad or what? God dammit i lost my life! And your just saying what the big deal happen?" Aaliyan started shouting.

"Aaliyan, Zaineb left us a year ago! SHE LEFT US! you have to understand it damn!" Sara shouted.

"Ya, its easy for you guys, but for me, she was my life, my breath, my heart! You guys won't understand my feelings ever!" Aaliyan replied with teary eye's.

"Aaliyan! she was my best friend! How can you think that i don't know your feelings? Aaliyan, she always took a promise from me, from all of us to take care of your's whether she stays here or not, Do you even realize how hurt Zaineb would be at the moment after listening to all this?" Sara said.

"What about me? Why did she leave me alone here then?" Aaliyan replied with low teary voice.

"That's the reason we want you to go with us! Why not live in those beautiful moments you both spend together? I want you to see her again! please Aaliyan please!" Sara pleaded.

"Fine i'll see!" Aaliyan replied and hang up.

He went to the breakfast table where his parents were having their breakfast.

"Good morning Aaliyan!" His parents greeted him as soon as he reached the breakfast table.

"Good morning!" Aaliyan slowly replied.

"What happened?" His father asked him.

"Dad! sara and all my friends want me to go with them to Naran!" Aaliyan said.

"Oh wow, that's great, Naran's your most favorite place in Naran! then why are you sad?" His mother asked.

"Mom..." Aaliyan couldn't manage to speak.

"Mom...Zaineb!" Aaliyan said.

"Aaliyan beta, i know very well that Naran was Zaineb and yours favorite place...But Aaliyan, life moves on with or without anyone, it doesn't wait for anyone. You have to move on in your life! Zaineb won't be happy when she'll see you like this! You want her to be sad there?" His mom asked while pointing towards the sky.

"No mom, I always want her to be happy whether i am with her not!" Aaliyan replied.

"Then go and live those beautiful moments, live the way Zaineb always wanted you to live with her or without her" His mother replied.

"Okay mom!" Aaliyan replied.

He did his breakfast and called his friends that he was coming along.

But only Aaliyan knew how he managed to take this decision with a stone on his heart.

Where as his parents on the breakfast table decided something else for his life.

Something that will change Aaliyan Usman forever!

Kiran's POV

They'll be here after sometime.

My heart was running a marathon.

Haider's family is going to come to meet our family and final this marriage, but i didn't know why my heart wasn't good.

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