Chapter 2

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Aaliyan's POV

"Zaineb i'm already missing you" i shouted.

"Aaliyan, I miss you too but just 2 days are left now...and then finally we will be together." she replied.

"Yes...but still 2 days!!! I can't take it anymore now." I said.

"Aaliyan neither me..." She replied.

"I love you" I said.

"I love you too" she replied.

There was silence for two minutes.

"I need to go now, talk to you later dear!" She said and i wished she hadn't said it because i couldn't take this anymore, i couldn't wait now.

"Okay, bye" I said with a sad tone.

"Bye" she said and hanged up.

I was looking at the cellphone.

I couldn't get it, why is she reacting like this?

Doesn't she love me?

I could feel tears in my eye's but i wiped them and started doing my work in the office but still my mind was diverted towards her thought.

Kiran's POV

"I'm so happy for you Kiran!" My mom shouted and hugged me as she heard the good news.

"It's all because of Allha and Your prayers mom!" I replied.

"I'm so proud of you my child!" My dad said and hugged me.

"My sis has grown up mom and dad!" My little sister Emaan shouted and hugged me.

" Thank you so much! I love you all!" I said and we started our diner.

I was so happy, my dreams finally come true!

I couldn't believe it!

Finally i am an interior designer working in Usman groups of enterprises architect.


Allha...thank you so much!!!

 I finished my diner, and sorted my things out and prayed to Allha for a good day ahead.

I laid down on my bed and started thinking about my first day and  didn't knew when sleep slumbered me.

Haider Ali's POV

I was shocked after seeing that beauty.

I couldn't stop seeing her.

Her face was coming behind my eyelids whenever i closed my eyes.

She was breathtaking!

Her beauty was overwhelming.

She left our company and i asked the receptionist about her who told me she came here for the interview and got the job as an interior designer, i was so happy to hear that!

I literally couldn't wait for tomorrow when i will see her again.

Please Allha, pass this time quickly and let me see her again! I was continuously wishing this and did not know when deep slumber caught me.

Zaineb's POV

I couldn't bear Aaliyan's sadness.

I hanged up the call, though i didn't wanted that.

I wanted to talk to him but his sad tone made me feel guilty that it is because of me!

I was the reason of his sadness.

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