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Jack's Point of View
As soon as I had finished melting and entwining with Jack's soul, I stretched out my now human limbs. Going from spirit to vessel was a big change. Now I'll finally get my best vessel what he wants:

I walked down the streets Jasmine usually walks around ever since the encounter on her way home. She probably has Zack with her and wants to get him medical aid faster, and she would go this way. That Samantha girl's spirit is probably hovering over Zack, I've seen her follow him like a puppy. The sun was down now, and it was a crisp autumn evening. I whistled, a sound familiar to all of my old friends. They all appeared out of different places, and surrounded me. "Guess who's back!" I exclaimed. They all smiled. "Welcome back, boss!" Jerry, one of my best men, greeted. I waved back at him. "Have you guys heard? Jasmine is coming back." All of the men smirked. "We've been following her for years. She works at a police station, she defeats people who live off crime, like us." "I know. So we're gonna plan this carefully." Truth is, this entire group or "gang" as most human called us, we were all demons inside vessels.

"A demon's only mission is to get his hands on a pure woman" was engraved into the main alleyway that we all were summoned to.

Jasmine was a pure woman. Connect the dots here.
Zack's Point of View
Jasmine gripped onto my hand tighter and was maneuvered through the dark streets. I still feared for her. Jack must already had his old vessel. It was only a matter of seconds..

Jasmine was sweating. Her palm was very moist. She usually goes the long way because she still fears these streets, but she had to get me home as fast as possible. I saw Jasmine as a mother, too bad she may never be given the opportunity to have children. I'd try my best to keep her alive, I did care about her, but when it came down to my mother...

Jasmine stood in front of an alleyway. It was extremely dark. "This is too familiar to me," she whispered with a nervous gulp. My eyes were staring at her hollowly. I wondered if Samantha was still watching. Since I'm not possessed by Jack, I can no longer see her. How I longed to see her pretty face again...

The dark alleyway was long and seemed endless. I was pointing out possible places we could hide if Jack decided to strike. I was going protect Jasmine, and let Jack not hang on to her.. I still wanted my mother, but I had a gut feeling I was never going to see her again... She would want me to protect Jasmine..

"Hey, you," a gruff voice erupted from the darkness of the alley. "You got any money on ya, girl?" His eyes drifted to me. "You too, boy." "We're both poor and have nothing," I replied. "This is my mother. Please let us go, we're going to see if we get any scraps of food for lunch." Jasmine let go of my hand and instead put her arm around me. "Yes sir, we have nothing, please have mercy on us!" She pleaded. She fell to her knees, purposefully so they would get filthy. The man can't see her usual quite pricy clothes she uses to work at the police station, so she also splattered all of the dirt and grime around her on her outfit and skin. The man smirked. "Food is that way. I'll meet you there. There is light, so I can get a good look at ya." He laughed as he faded back to the darkness. Jasmine and I both fist-pumped and continued creeping our way along. We made sure to ruffle our hair and take off any valuables. We truly looked like we belonged as we smudged the last bit of God knows what on our face.

When we met the man, he scanned us up and down. He looked similar to us with his greasy hair and grime splattered all over his body. He had no shirt, so you could see his stomach, which was extremely skinny. You could clearly see his rib cage. "Welcome," he greeted, flashing his surprisingly white teeth with a smile. He pointed to a dumpster. "If you guys are truly residents, show me how to properly find some grub." The man's eyes were narrowing at Jasmine. "Girl, you know Jack? You guys must know him if you live around here. He usually doesn't let women in." Jasmine shook her head. "We just stumbled across this place. We've been kicked off our usual place on 5th street, by Richmond Hotel." The man laughed. "Yeah, I used to stay there to. They're all snobby and rich. Stay warned, Jack only likes one woman in particular. I'm guessing it's not you." Jasmine giggled nervously. "Yeah, not me. I'm not exactly pleasing to anyone's eye right now." She grabbed my hand and we strolled towards the dumpster, prepared to jump in. "Besides, he only talks about pure women. You've had this young boy here, so you're definitely not who he's looking for. Besides, I feel bad for that one woman. Guy still acts like it's the 1800's up in here. He's messed up. Would probably make her clean and such." "And such?" Jasmine questioned. "Do you really wanna know what I mean by such? We're all in danger here, girl. We're the only humans in this pool of demons and the undead." Jasmine raised her eyebrow. "Undead? What do you mean undead?"

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