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I picked up Samantha's body. She was practically weightless. I felt tears run down my cheeks. I began to loudly sob. I missed her smile. Her lively personality.

It's all my fault she's gone. I kicked the front door that was already slightly cracked open, and quickly dashed off towards where my killings usually take place. As much as it hurts, I knew this is what she wanted. When I got to the white church, I placed her body next to Devon's, and entwined their fingers so they were holding hands. I could have sworn I saw Devon slightly smile when I did it.

You're a great learner. I no longer have to control you. This is what I wanted.

This is not what I wanted! Every girl I truly loved is gone! Samantha, my mother..

I collapsed to the ground. Samantha's parents are going to eventually wonder where their daughter went.. Once they get the body tested, my fingerprints would be on her neck...

Don't think like that. How do you think the other murders have not led them to you? You're part spirit.

My attention turned to a tiny notebook in Samantha's coat pocket. Out of curiosity, I pulled it out. It was labeled "Diary".

Diaries are people's personal business, but I wanted to look at it in case I could give her any after-life wishes.

As I flipped through, making sure not reading anything labeled "PRIVATE", I came across a list that said "Things I Want To Do Before I Die". I rested my finger on number one. It read:

#1: I want to try sushi.

Can't do that. We have no sushi places around this area of London. How do you feed a corpse anyway?

#2: Get a pixie haircut.

That one was surprising. I always thought she loved her long curls. Whatever she wanted to do was fine, it's not my hair, it's hers.

#3: Adopt a cat and name it Nibbles.

That was true. She did love that name. I was always confused by it.

Finally I came across the last request.

#4: Tell Zack how I feel about him. (So embarrassing!)

All those years, and she actually liked me?! SHE ACTUALLY- wait, "feelings" can also be hate... Most likely if she said it's so embarrassing, it can't be hate, right? I sighed and smiled. The smile quickly faded when I knew she would despise me now if she has seen what I had done to Devon and her and the prostitute. Fresh tears fell down my face.


I recognized the voice immediately. It was Samantha's. I whipped my head around. There stood a white silhouette that looked exactly like Samantha's body. She had vibrant, white wings that were flapping and allowing her to float before me.

"Samantha!" I exclaimed. She tilted her head. She then scowled at me. "Zack, what are you reading?" I suddenly blushed when I realized her diary was in my lap. "Uh, uh .." I stammered. "Trying to give me any life wishes? Or were you just reading my personal stuff?" She asked, wiggling her eyebrows. This caused me to chuckle. "I swear I was just looking through it. I flipped through the rest of the pages. Just looked for this page so I could hopefully do something you've always wanted to do. Not much you can do once your dead though." She grinned, but then her grin fell into a solemn face as she gazed down on her body. "I can't believe my life was cut so short. I had a lot to do." She glanced at her white, ghost-like hands. "I can't believe that spirit of a prostitute murdered me. And my best friend had to witness that." My heart almost stopped. She thinks the spirit killed her?

I nodded. "I don't know what I would have done without you.. Now that you and Devon are gone.." She ran her hands through my hair. Her hands felt like a calm breeze. "It won't be bad. I'll protect you from this guy. I'll always watch over you. Now, let's go tell the police about my murder, I don't want my parents to worry any longer..." Extremely light blue tears poured from her eyes.

Too bad she can't save me from myself.

Jack The Ripper- Next Generation // COMPLETED ✔️Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu