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The rest of the school day flew by as usual. Once Samantha got off the bus, Devon came back to taunt me.

"I got to kiss her cheek in science today, maggot."

I clenched my teeth. He should really just stay away from her. I knew he only wanted her for her pretty face and body and nothing else.

You could treat her better.

(A/N: BETTER THAN HE CAN! That was a Shawn Mendes reference. I'm sorry. *crawls into hiding hole*)

There goes Jack, trying to convince me to do something I'll probably regret. I ignored him.

"She totally likes me, Zack. She's gonna fall for me soon. Every single time she sees me she'll swoon!"

The emphasis he put on swoon annoyed me the most.

Make him eat his words.

I don't understand while Jack was trying to get me to murder a man. His victims were all female. But still, I smirked at the thought of Devon being out of the question.

Wait, what am I doing? Am I insane?!

No, this is normal human behavior.


I glanced back at Devon. "I bet you forced her to kiss you in science." Devon laughed. "I don't need to force a girl to do anything."

Please, if I was a girl I'd get a restraining order. That's what Samantha should do.

Who needs a restraining order when you can just get rid of him yourself?

No. I'm not going to murder anyone, Jack!

Fine. Then I will.

I suddenly lost control of my body- again. I was finished. This would definitely be the last time Devon ever taunted me.

"Admit it, you did force her to kiss you." Jack stated. Devon raised his eyebrows and cracked a evil smirk. "Keep telling yourself that. Are you going to the dumpster after school to get new clothes?"

I was about to watch Jack do something unpredictable. I just stood and waited. Please don't embarrass me. I felt a smirk spread across my face. "I don't know, won't you be there as well? It's where garbage like you reside." Everyone in the bus busted out laughing, and Devon clenched his teeth. Steam practically was coming out of his ears. He yanked me up by my tie again, only this time he gripped on it harder than ever before.

He raised his fist into the air and then slammed it into my nose. The pain shot in so fast, everything was a blur for a few seconds. Jack, however, could not feel it, for he is a soul and I'm the body itself. The soul had control over thoughts and actions. Jack began laughing. "Is that the best you can do? My mother used to honestly punch better." He then grabbed Devon by his nose and slammed him onto the bus seat. Devon whimpered in pain, holding his nose.

"Tell me your sorry, little pathetic boy," Jack taunted. "I-I'm sorry!" Devon cried, holding his nose. Jack smirked. "Good."

When the bus came to a screeching stop, it was my house. Jack let me have control of my body once again, so I strolled out, everyone looking at me with admiring stares. I never imagined this would ever happen... And Samantha was not here to see it. That was pretty depressing.

Jack The Ripper- Next Generation // COMPLETED ✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora