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When I wandered into the police station, the woman sitting there pushed her green glasses up the bridge of her nose and sat up straighter. Her red hair was wavy, and the same shade of red was on her face in the form of freckles. She had very solemn brown eyes. Her skin was very pale, and also covered in freckles. She must be Irish.

"Hello! How may I assist you?" She asked cheerfully. "I've discovered a body," I replied. It was scary how casual I sounded. She raised an eyebrow. "Where?" "Back in the woods. She was leaned on a little small church." The woman's eyes widened. "Little white church?" "Yes ma'am." She picked up her phone and dialed something quickly. "Yes. Another body has been discovered in the area we are keeping track of. We have a young man here who told me about it." There was a pause for a few moments. "Yes, yes. We will be waiting for you." Another pause. "I will question him. Yes sir." She hung up. "By any chance, can you identify the victim?" "Yes ma'am." She picked up a pencil and opened up a journal on her desk. "Go on."

"Her name is Samantha. We are good friends and attend the same school." She scribbled Samantha's name down. "How did you discover the body?" "I was going to the woods to admire the scenery, as usual. I then saw her body leaned against the white church. She was motionless." The woman continued to write notes of what I was saying. Knowing me, I'd be sweating bullets and so nervous. Why was I so calm? Was it because Samantha, or Jack?

Definitely Jack. Why would Samantha want to hide the fact I killed her?

"Okay, did you discover the body not long ago?" "As soon as I ran into the police station, it was literally minutes before." She wrote down that exact sentence. "I will send police to the location of the body. One last question-" I nodded, and she leaned closer to me.

"Were you and Samantha dating?"  She asked it like a child in elementary school.

"I wish we were," I replied. My face flushed red when I could feel Samantha's eyes on me. She was still watching over me. Kill me now.

The woman giggled. Then, her face became solemn again. "I'm sorry for the loss of your friend." The emphasis she put on friend was obviously saying she knows we were closer. "If you need anyone to talk to, I'm here." She opened a drawer in her desk and pulled out an index card. She wrote down her phone number. "Don't call the police station if you need me. They get annoyed when guys I've met in the past have tried to get a hold of me by calling authorities. One time a guy called and said it was emergency and that he found something dead. When I asked what, he said his heart. Then he pleaded." She leaned back her chair and smirked. "He pleaded and pleaded," she began dramatically. "Baby! Come back to me baby!" She mimicked in a masculine voice. We both began laughing.

"Hello? Miss McKennzie, are you here?" "Yes, Mr. Gregor," the woman replied. "Please, call me Jasmine. You come by here so often you should not have call me by my proper name." Mr. Gregor smiled and handed her a letter. "This is for you." "Thanks, mail-man." "No problem, police woman," Mr. Gregor replied and he walked back out the door. Jasmine picked up the envelope. Her name was on it in messy writing. She handed it to me. "You read it, I can't comprehend the handwriting." I scanned the letter and could read it easily. I cleared my throat:

"Dearest Jasmine,
Do you ever dream of me like I dream of you?
In my mind, you're always there.
In my heart, you're always there.
Through the vision of my eyes, you're never there.
Why won't you come back?
I'd never hurt you.
Unless you hurt me.."

Jasmine stopped what she was doing. "What is the name written on it?" "Uh... it's signed...." I stopped. The name made my heart practically stop.


Jack The Ripper- Next Generation // COMPLETED ✔️Where stories live. Discover now