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Samantha stood up. She laughed. "You did not even spare me for my daughter. What kind of sick man are you? I'm trying to support my family! You never listen to the real story, Jack."

Kill her! KILL HER NOW!

If I kill her, I kill Samantha as well!

"Have you not heard anything, Jack? I know your whispering things to that innocent, pure boy you took control of. The REAL justice around here are hot on your trail." She grabbed the television remote and clicked the power button. When the television flashed on, there stood a woman and a man sitting at a desk with "BREAKING NEWS!" written across the bottom of the screen. The woman cleared her throat and her brown eyes gazed into the camera.

"We have a breaking news story that was just sent to us. It is taking place in London. Multiple bodies have just been discovered in a plot of woods in a neighborhood. One woman's body was found mangled, while another boy was founded in one piece but had tight hand prints around his neck. The bodies are both leaned against a small, white church. We have historian Tiana Richmond here, explaining how these murders are historically like a famous killer around here."

The camera then pointed to a African-American woman, with her hair neatly tied into a perfect bun. "Yes, these killings match the same style as a famous tyrant: Jack the Ripper. The white church? The way the killer guts the bodies? Definitely spot-on. The killer must have done his research on Jack The Ripper."

It's because I am Jack The Ripper.

I glanced down at my hands. I'm a sick murderer. I'm going to be sentenced for life or death in prison. My only best friend has suffered the same fate as I. I'm doing this all for my mother. Is it worth it?

There is no turning back now.

He's right. Samantha's once bright eyes were now dark and cold. "Time to die, Jack. For good." Her eyes flashed red as long, black claws rose from Samantha's fingernails. She hissed and charged at me.

Jack, why are you not controlling me? I-I can't do this..

Before I could finish, I reached my hands up and grabbed a hold on Samantha's frail neck. She hissed and pierced me with her claws. Fresh blood poured down my shirt, yet I felt no pain. I smirked at her.

"Your claws have no affect. Leave Samantha alone!" Power was coursing through my veins. The woman's face fell as I gripped tighter, and then tossed her across the room. "Fight Jack's power, boy!" She pleaded.

"Jack's power? The name's Zack... Say goodbye."

It felt refreshing to run towards her and and snap her neck. I then snapped back to reality, and dropped her. That's Samantha! "I-I'm so sorry, Samantha!" I cried out, gazing into Samantha's distant, dead eyes. The silhouette of the dead woman then emerged from her body, and looked down on me. Red tears were running from her equally red eyes.

"It's too late for you, boy."

With that, she vanished.

Jack The Ripper- Next Generation // COMPLETED ✔️Where stories live. Discover now