Chapter Twenty Nine: A Little Under Dressed

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One of the best feelings in the world has got to be waking up with Quincy wrapped in my arms. He looked so adorable sleeping like this, with his head on my chest, his mouth slightly open, and his hair a rumpled mess, although that was probably more so from the sex last night than actually sleeping.

But I really needed to pee, and that would require moving him. The only problem was that Quincy was practically dead weight when he slept, so I needed to wake him up.

"Mi amor, wake up," I whispered next to his ear.

He let out a soft moan and cuddled even closer to me, not waking up. Or, at least, I didn't think he woke up since he hadn't opened his eyes at all. Yet he spoke anyway. "Did you just call me 'my love' in Spanish?" The sleep was still evident in his voice, which was sexy as fuck.

I tried not to let that get to me though. "Good. You're learning. Now move so I can go pee."

Instead of letting me go, he tightened his grip around my bare torso. "No. You're too warm. I wanna stay like this forever."

I chuckled at his persistence, although I didn't know how much longer I could stay here. "I'll be right back."

Quincy pouted, kissing my nipple once before sitting up, letting the covers pool around his lap, covering everything that his lack of clothing didn't. "Fine. But you might want to put some clothes on before going out there. Don't think Kevin would appreciate you naked as much as I do."

I nodded as I climbed out of bed. "Probably." And Quincy was the only person I wanted to see me naked anyway. So, pulling on just a pair of boxers, I left Quincy still sitting up in bed, watching me leave the room.

A minute later, I was crawling back into bed, pushing Quincy back to lay down again. "You know," I started, leaning over his body. "If I moved in here with you, we wouldn't have to worry about putting on clothes before we leave the bedroom to pee."

He rolled his eyes at me, putting his hands on my waist and pulling me closer to him. "We'll talk about it after you talk to Matt."

"We were going to do that last night."

"Yeah. And then we had sex instead."

I smirked as I pushed my hips against his, making him let out a soft groan. Oh, how I'd love to go again.

"Reed. We're not... Stop. You left the door open."

I looked over to see that he was right - I did forget to close the door after I came back. Oops. I tried to get up so that I could actually close it, but Quincy kept his hold on me, pulling me back into the bed so that we were now both laying down on our backs. I guess that wasn't happening right now. Damn.

He immediately put his head on my shoulder and started tracing the outline of the leaf I got tattooed onto my other shoulder yesterday.

"Does it hurt?" he asked.

"Nah." I watched him trace around it one more time, his finger just barely touching my skin. "Itches a little, but it's not bad."

I think he was going to say something else, but didn't get to when his phone started ringing. Sitting up, a confused look on his face, he reached over me to grab his phone, the blanket sliding down to reveal all his naked glory. Then, looking at the screen for a second, a look of what might have been panic crossed his face before he quickly answered it.

"Hi, Aunt Karen," he said. Right. She had called him last night, too. He was going to call her back, but we ended up in bed. Oh well. "Yeah, no, sorry. My phone died and by the time I got it to a charger and saw you had called it was already really late, and I didn't want to wake you up." He looked at me and smirked. At least you couldn't tell by his voice that he was lying about part of that story. "No, it's fine. I just woke up. So, what's going on?"

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