Chapter Eighteen: Unexpected Surprises

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I stared at my boyfriend, dumbfounded. The words he just said not making sense to me. I really hoped I heard him wrong.

"You want me to what? Get on that thing for an hour?"

He shrugged. "Little less than an hour. But yeah."

"Are you insane?"


I groaned in frustration, running a hand through my hair. I barely handled riding that death trap he called his motorcycle for a few minutes around town every so often. Now he expected a long drive, in this weather? No way.

Reed walked over and wrapped his arms around me. "Please? You'll have fun there."

"Where? Tell me where we're going and maybe I'll say yes."

"All I heard in there was 'yes', so grab your coat."

I groaned again, not moving. After a moment, he stepped back from me and grabbed my coat himself, tossing it to me. I didn't catch it.

"Tell me where we're going," I said. What was wrong with wanting to know? It's not my fault I didn't like surprises, especially surprises that took up the entire weekend.

Reed sighed. "Dinner. At my house."


"My mom has a Valentine's Day dinner every year. I haven't gone the past few years, but I want to this year. If you come too."

"So I'll be meeting your mom?" This was huge. If he wanted to meet his mom, that was practically taking out his wall for good. "Does she know you're dating me?"

"No. But she will."

"And she'll be okay with it?"

Reed shrugged. "I don't see why not."

I smiled. "Okay. I guess I can manage to get on that deathtrap to get to meet your mom. I take it we're spending the night, then, and that's why you shoved some of my clothes in your backpack already?"

He looked confused. "You knew I did that?"

I rolled my eyes. "My sweater is sticking out of your bag." I pointed to his backpack, which was leaning up against my bed, with the sleeve of my sweater practically touching the floor. "Unless you just wanted to wear my clothes, in which case, you could have just asked."

He quickly bent down to shove the sleeve all the way in the bag before zipping it up completely. When he stood back up, he swung his backpack over his shoulder. "Let's go."

I sighed, but he didn't give me any more chances to argue as he walked out of my room, so I had no choice but to follow, making sure to grab my coat from where it had fallen.

True to his word, a little less than an hour later, he pulled into the driveway of a small, but not too small, one-story ranch. It was cute and definitely not what I was expecting.

Climbing off the bike, I had to grab onto Reed's shoulder to steady myself. My legs were shaking so badly - kinda like the first time I bottomed (he was way too rough for my liking at the time). Thankfully, being on solid ground helped and they stopped shaking after a moment.

"Renaldo!" a voice called from behind me, most likely his mother. "I didn't know you were coming! And you brought a friend?" I turned around to see a short Hispanic woman coming down the front walkway to us. "Renaldo, aren't you going to introduce me?"

I looked to him and cocked an eyebrow. "Yeah, Renaldo, introduce us."

"Oh, shut up," he muttered. Then he raised his voice to a normal level. "Madre, this is Quincy. Quincy, my mom."

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