Chapter Sixteen: Breaking the Old Reed

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"Will you get your feet off me?" I asked, slightly irritated. Why did need to do that?

Quincy chuckled. "Nope. You're too comfy."

Sighing, I didn't say anything about it and instead returned my attention back to the game on my phone. I would let him keep his feet on my lap, at least until it got really annoying.

Turns out, that only lasted about five minutes. Except I knew if I went to ask again, he'd keep refusing to move, so I started tickling his feet, hoping that would work.

What I got instead was one foot flying up into my face, slamming into my mouth, while the other one went full force down on my dick.

Oh, fuck, that hurt.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" Quincy exclaimed, sitting up and putting his feet on the floor. Kissing my cheek, he wrapped his arms around my neck. "Are you okay?"

I groaned, still in pain. "Damn, you kick hard."

"It's just my natural reflex to being tickled, which I had no idea you would do."

"Oh yeah?" I questioned, smirking. Then, without warning, I shoved my fingers into his side and started moving them around until Quincy was a laughing mess, making sure to avoid his flailing feet this time.

"Sto-oh my g-Reed! S-stop!"

I pulled back and he rolled off the couch and landed on the floor, still laughing, but now clutching his sides. Going to hover over him, I bent down and planted my lips against his.

The moment the kiss begun and I had shoved my tongue into his mouth, the door opened. Without breaking the kiss, or even looking up, I raised my hand to flip off my roommate.

After a moment, Quincy pushed against my chest, making me sit up. He sat up as well before turning around to face Matt. "Hey," he said, slightly out of breath. I loved that I could do that to him.

"It's still so weird to see you guys together," Matt said, shaking his head. "Not that it's bad, just weird."

Quincy laughed that perfect laugh of his. "Nah, I get it. I still find it weird, too." He turned around and smiled at me widely.

I rolled my eyes and stood up. It wasn't that weird. Why did it matter so much to people?

"Where are you going?" Quincy asked, putting a hand on my leg to stop me from stepping over him.

"I need a beer," I said simply, looking down at him. It's been a few days since I've had a drink, and today felt like a good day to have a casual one. Although I was running out again. The place near campus started checking IDs again, and apparently, they were finding the fakes, so I wouldn't be able to get more for a while. "Want one?" I offered, because that's what I was supposed to do.

He shook his head, also standing up. "I don't drink. And aren't you not twenty-one yet? I think it's kinda illegal for you to be drinking."

"Are you saying you're one of those super good kids who follows all the rules, even the stupid drinking law that no one else in the country follows?" I can't believe I was actually dating someone like that. Who could live without drinking?

He crossed his arms over his chest. "Actually, I have drank before, even before I turned twenty-one, it's just not my thing."

I'm pretty sure my mouth dropped open. "You're twenty-one?" For some reason I had thought he was younger than me. "But aren't you a sophomore?"

He cracked a smile. "Yeah. I had to take a gap year after high school to earn money for the first year of tuition."

I nodded my head slowly, only hearing one thing from what he just said. "So that means you can get me more alcohol when I run out soon!"

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