Chapter Five: Drunken Words

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I knew not to expect to see Reed again at least until class on Tuesday. After I confronted him the other day, I knew better than to seek him out. We both needed the weekend to settle down from everything. I knew I did.

At least I was working all day yesterday and today. It took my mind off him, when Chloe wasn't around to ask me questions about how my plan was going. Which really wasn't going anywhere anymore.

I was just locking up the cafe for the night when someone came out of nowhere and knocked into me.

There was a single streetlight above us, allowing me to make out the face of the one person that I didn't expect to see.


And he was so drunk he could barely stand up straight.

"Quinny!" he slurred. I rolled my eyes at the name but didn't say anything. He probably wouldn't even care if I corrected him anyway. "I know you!"

"You're drunk, Reed."

He smiled. "Sí. Awesome fiesta. Vamonos. Right o'r there." Reed tried pointing behind him, but almost fell over. I caught him though, just as I noticed the faint thumping of a bass coming from a couple blocks away. Reed must have come from that party.

As I propped him up, I knew I couldn't just leave him here considering he was in no shape to get back to campus by himself. But my apartment was closer than campus. I could let him crash on the couch. That would be fine, right?

"C'mon, Reed. We're going to walk."

He nodded his head along to some song playing in his head, slowly starting to walk along next to me.

"Quincy," Reed mumbled once we were almost to my place. "Eres hermoso."

God, I wish I took Spanish in high school.

"I don't speak Spanish, Reed. Can you please go back to English?" Not because I wanted to know what he just said to me, but to, you know, make sure he wasn't threatening my life or anything if I made him stay over. Yeah. Sure. That was it.

He smirked. "No."

I sighed. At least I understood that one.

He mumbled a few more words, most likely in Spanish, because I seriously had no clue what he was trying to say, but I also wasn't really listening anymore. I was trying to unlock the door and keep Reed standing all at the same time.

When I finally got us inside, my roommate, Kevin, was sitting on the couch in the living room watching TV. I didn't even know he'd be here, figuring he'd be out with his friends like he usually was. Kevin looked up as we entered, thoroughly confused as to why I was bringing a drunk guy in with me. Usually when a guy comes home with me (which barely happens to begin with), neither of us are drunk and it's a lot more fun.

But Reed wasn't like those other guys.

I saw Kevin about to open his mouth, probably to make some crude comment or something, but I put my finger to my lips. Don't say anything, I mouthed to him. Thankfully, he listened.

I sat Reed down in one of the chairs at the table. "Stay here. Please."

He looked up at me and smiled. "Tienes lindos ojos."

I hoped that was a 'sure, I'll stay sitting right here until you tell me otherwise'. Unfortunately, I don't think that's what he meant.

I turned around to see Kevin staring at me, a smirk on his face. "Since when do you have a boyfriend?" he asked quietly, following me into my bedroom so that I could grab an old blanket that Reed could use.

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