Chapter Twenty Eight: The Interrogation Room

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I honestly couldn't pinpoint what exactly was going through my head. First, there was the embarrassment at being caught having sex by Matt and that police officer who I had talked to last week. Then there was the panic at why he would be here, hunting us down. There was only one reason why he'd be here, and it most likely had to do with Ricky.

But now, as Reed and I sat in the back of a police cruiser on the way to the station, I didn't know what I was feeling. I knew that I didn't want to be here - I'd much rather still be having sex, but that wasn't going to happen for a while - but I also didn't know why I was even coming. Reed was the one who attacked Ricky, not me. But Officer Hampton insisted I come too, not like I would have let Reed go by himself anyway.

When we got there, we were both ushered inside the building. I didn't know what to expect, mostly because we still weren't told why we were being brought here. At least neither of us had been handcuffed.

Instead, Reed had intertwined his fingers with mine. I think he was a lot more nervous about this whole thing than he was willing to admit.

As soon as we walked through the entrance, I heard Ricky's voice. "Why are ya still with that bastard, Quin?" He was sitting on a bench next to the wall - actually, the same bench Reed had been handcuffed to last week, although Ricky wasn't being restrained.

Reed's hand tightened around mine. "Why the fuck are you still alive?"

"Reed," I warned softly. "Don't." This was not the time or the place for him to start threatening Ricky's life.

"Alright, boys," Officer Hampton, who had driven us here, said. "Settle down."

"Can you tell us what's going on?" I asked him, ignoring the glares Ricky and Reed were giving each other.

He nodded. "Let's move somewhere move private, first. All three of you - follow me."

We followed him into what could have very well have been the station's interrogation room. There was a rectangular table with two chairs on either side of it. Reed and I took the chairs on the far side of the room, while Ricky took the seat directly across from me. Officer Hampton stood at the edge of the table, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Now, this isn't something we normally do here, but it seems to be the best option for all of you," Hampton began. "You three are going to talk and work out all your problems. There will be no physical contact between any of you." He stopped, his eyes having landed on mine and Reed's hands still together. "As far as fighting each other."

"Yeah, fuckface. That means ya can't hit me again," Ricky said with a sneer.

Reed scoffed. "Yeah. You can't hit me either, dickwad."

"Less insults and more talking civilly."

Neither Ricky or Reed said anything, so I spoke up. "Ricky, I just want to put this out there so you know, even though I've told you this already. I don't like you the way I did back in high school. I've moved on - a long time ago. You should too. Whatever happened between us is in the past, and I don't want to go back to that, to us, because we're over. We've been over."

He leaned back in his chair. "That's not what you were showin' me last week when ya crawled inta bed with me."

Reed's hand - the one that wasn't in mine - slammed down onto the table. "Shut the fuck up!"

"Oh, did I fail to mention that last time we met, Reed? Oh wait, I think I did, right before you hospitalized me. You're lucky I ain't suin' ya broke ass for the damage you caused me. You're probably only with Quincy for his money, ain't ya? That why you forgave him so quick?"

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