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"Hey, home-slice, how's senior year started out for ya?" I was immediately greeted by Sandy as I walked into our shared third period.

"Um, it's been okay," I lied. Though I always told her everything, (and I mean everything, even the time I crapped myself in third grade during a presentation because the kid did a jump scare) I couldn't seem to tell her about the encounter I had this morning. The jocks that usually beat me up found it important to leave their mark on the first day of senior year, so they jumped me during passing time. Left bruises all over my stomach and sides, kindly avoiding my face so I wouldn't have to hide it. (It was part of an agreement- if they avoided my face, I gladly let them beat up the rest of me more. Sure it was stupid, but they saw it as they still got to cause equal, if not more, pain, so they didn't care.) After the encounter, I hate a panic attack in the bathroom. It was lame, filled with heaving breaths that were covered by the sleeve of my sweater and silent tears, but that was my life.

"That's good. Mine's been great. Craig has already planned a senior party for this weekend, and don't worry, I'm not going to make you go." Craig was Sandy's boyfriend. He was okay, I mean, there really wasn't anything to hate about him. He was on the tennis team, he got straight A's, and he treats Sandy like he should- what could be wrong there? I nodded and let her continue whispering to me during the class period.

"Okay, I'll see you at lunch, babe!" Sandy said as we left our third period. I kind of liked the names she called me sometimes. Too hung up on what she called me, I ran straight into someone, spilling our books on the floor and me falling on my butt.

"Woah, hey, are you okay?" I've heard that voice... No, it can't be. I looked up to see the blue fringed character from earlier. Shit. Nonono. I hated running into people I didn't know more than once. Before I even answered, I was scrambling to pick up both of our books. He bent down and assisted me, taking his and handing me mine. Once I stood up he looked me in the eyes, and o god his eyes, his fucking eyes. They're blue and green and yellow and the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I've never looked someone in the eyes this long. Wait, shit, he was talking.

"S-sorry?" I asked. He let out a breathy laugh.

"I asked if you were okay?" I mouthed 'oh' and nodded. He chuckled and looked at me with narrowed eyes and a smirking look before nodding and saying, "maybe I'll see you later." What did that mean? Is he going to beat me up? Why is that always your first thought? I don't know, what else would he do? Stop thinking at get your sorry ass to class. Right.

I was finally dismissed from fourth period by the bell for the third, and final, lunch period. I met Sandy at the north doors where I always did, so she could get her lunch and we could sit in the courtyard while she gossiped and I pretend to listen.

"Daniel!" At the sound of my name I jumped, turning to see Sandy running toward me to strangle me in a hug.

"Oh, hi," I said back, finding it hard to breath with her arms tight around my neck. I followed her awkwardly and anxiously through the lunch line, continuously telling me I should get something to eat.

"Sandy, I haven't eating a lunch at school for four years," I reminded her.

"I know, but still, it doesn't mean you don't need to eat." I rolled my eyes and continued to follow her through the line. We finally made our way outside to the courtyard, where few couples and groups of friends sat on benches. We occupied a bench and I let Sandy gossip about who knows what.

As we sat there, I saw the punk I had already seen twice today. I tried to look away, but our eyes had met for a fraction of a second, and he was walking over.

"Hey, told you I'd see you again," he said, a small smile in his face. His appearance didn't match his personality. His look was threatening while his personality was warm and fun.

"O-oh, hi," I managed out. This was the third time I've seen him. Was he following me?

"You probably think I'm following you or something, don't you?" Can he read my mind? I was honestly starting to panic then, the anxiety really settling in. "Well, you couldn't blame me if I was; you are pretty attractive," he said with a smirking smile. Who is this guy? "So, since I'm talking so much, what's your name?"

"U-uh, um, Dan," I managed out.

"Dan, that's cute, it suits you. I'm Phil," he said with an outstretched hand, which I hesitantly shook.

"Dan, that's Phil. Like bad-boy-punk-Phil who gets into fights and smokes and is always fucking someone," Sandy gossiped into my ear.

"Gee, thanks," I whispered back, suddenly more concerned and curious what he wanted with me.

"So, Dan, I accidentally picked up one of your books when we ran into each other earlier," he said as he handed me the book. I took it, giving him a small smile, before he added, "or not accidentally," and sent me a subtle wink.

"Oh, uh, thanks," I said, stuttering, of course.

"Anyway, it's nice talking to you." It is? I barely talked, how could you like talking to me? "Would you wanna give me your number?" He was so confident, and his eyes were so worth getting lost in, that I couldn't stop myself from nodding. He smiled coolly and handed me his phone to put my number in while I did the same.

"Thanks, I'll see you around," he said as we exchanged phones back. I looked to see he put his name as 'Phil ;)' in my contacts.

"Daniel, you're in for a rough ride with this one, I'm warning you now," Sandy said after a moment.

"I-I know," I muttered, wondering how on earth I had managed to mutter a single word to such an overconfident guy.

"Just don't let him treat you like he does everyone else, okay?" She said. She was always like a sister and a mother to me. A sister when it was time for pedicures and gossiping, and a mother when it came to times like this.

"How does he treat everyone else?"

"I don't know how you've never heard about him, but he's always with someone new- whether it be dating or fucking- and he's always using people and cheating them. Just don't let him get too close, and don't let him use you- you're too good for that." I nodded, wondering how I managed to get the attention of a player like him, and why he wanted it in the first place.

Heeellooo. This is just a small simple update, sorry it's kind of short. I just hope you are having a good day, you really deserve it. Treat yourself- enjoy some ice cream, or a movie and popcorn. Just sit back and relax; life isn't always about work and achievements- life is about enjoyment. Do what you enjoy, and life will be worth it, I promise. Love you <3 thank you and goodbye! ^-^

The Game of Life {Completed}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant