Chapter 12: Useless Humans

Comincia dall'inizio

I Looked around the dark room and saw a mirror peaked out under a white dusty cloth. I walked slowly, like I was like a zombie in haze. I ran my shaking hand through my thin black wavy hair and reached for the dusty cloth. Yank it off as dust flew everywhere around me. I touched the gold rim around the mirror, carved in with flowers patterns. The mirror was spotted, weary down from  centuries, I could barely see my face but my figure and one touch it could crumble into my hand like ashes.

I looked at the mirror and touch the surface and soon it rebuild itself to a newest form. The only person I see is me other than the lifeless bodies scatter everywhere behind me. My figure was boney no sign of any fats I once had, I could passed as a anorexic girl. I don't feel weak or anything. There nothing to feel to know if I am. I ran my hand through my black wavy hair again, how thin and frizzy the texture looked and felt with no shine to it. My skin almost looked like a pastle ghost against my black clothing; black long thin sweater, grey tank top tuck into my black skinny Jean and black ankle boots.

Slowly my sweater slide down my arms and dropped on to the ground. I moved my arms around and stretch. My thin skin popped out, layered over my bones, seeing and hearing every moments. Click clack, click clack. 

Seeing every shapes of my bones makes out, I moved on to my boney face. Nose, ears and eyes were pouring out black ink. My sticky slimy hair was stick to my face and I tried to moved it behind my ears. looked like a raccoon, and still bleeding. My eyes held no hope of being alive, no reflection of lights in them, no blue rings, just a dull black sets of eyes. I touched my cheeks and smeared down to my thin chin. 

Yet I feel nothing. I can Flicked pain on to myself or someone can flicked any pain on me. I'll feel nothing. If you grabbed a bar handle or a long sword and plunge through me. I'd wouldn't feel a thing it all, but pull it out and kill you with it.

I bled out all of my emotions and feelings. Now I bleed the people souls that I consumed. Sliding down my face is the lifeless souls I've taken away from humans and supernatural now disposal itself out of my system.

The hunger at the pit of my stomach was growing. It's always begging and it's always unsatisfied.

Then I heard a voice. A person was whispering, calling out for someone.


Within second I backed my body against the wall next to the entrance door. The footsteps and the voice was getting louder, then came to paused at the door. A soft girl voice whispered out "Daycen? Charlie?" I stayed silent.

She whispered again and I can hear her leaning her ear against the door surface. "Are you guys in there?"

I changed my voice to Daycen. "Yeah. We're in here. No sign of Cheyenne."

I waited for her to open the door and let her stepped inside. "Whoa. What happened here, it's look like bunch of dead ghouls sleeping around." She sounded disgusted. "Hey. You guys better not be hiding. We don't have time to messed around we got to find Cheyenne."

Once she was fully in, almost in the center of the the dark dim room. I walked slowly and flicked my hands in the air, used my magic to make the door closed silently. I spoke up and changed my voice to Charile, "Yeah no worries. We found her Noël."

She spend around, "where is she, I don-" she stopped and looked at me in shocked but also a but confused.

I changed my voice to Daycen, tilt my head to the side and smiled at her, sending bad chills down her back. "She right here." Room couple step towards her frozen figure. "Safe and sound."

Noël gulped and took a tiny step back. "Where is Charlie and Daycen?" She asked.

"We're right here," I spoke as Charlie and Daycen combine.

If she keeps backing up, she'll end up tripping backward on the bodies. "What did you do to them." She whispered and I can tell by her eyes. She was scared, I've never seen her scared and the fact I can send fear into her makes me smile bigger.

I continued to speak with Charlie and Ryan voice. "Noël.... Noël... Don't be scared, warriors are supposed to be fearless. I guess you're not a true warrior like Charlie. A pathetic one for sure."

"Cheyenne listen to me. We need to find and we can go get you help you need! Undo this curse." She tried to reason with me, but she tripped over from behind and fell on the bodies.

I was amused by how Noël tried to get back up when she first saw the bodies, and it was Charile and Daycen. She started to choked on her words,  "No... What... Can't be."

I clapped my hands like she won a prized. "Oh look Noël! You found them!" I laughed, then I pouted at her. "Awe, but they're dead like rotten corpses and they're also good soils for gardening too!" I laughed at her again.

Noël was startled by my laughs and was about to get up, but she was slammed back down on the floor by a invisible force. "You're not going anywhere hunny. You'll be joining them."

"You killed them! They were your family and we're trying to help-" snapped.

Her neck was snapped and broken. Her head twisted all the way around stretched and skin teared, blood leaking out. Her wide eyes opens so much fear, worries and sadness, all for her families, friends and me.

My pack and families. They won't stop, they'll keep trying to hunt me down and will try help me. To end this stupid situation I am in.

Kill them all. Kill them.

My inner beast spoke up and that what I'll do.


I woke up from a nightmare and quickly sat myself up as I rubbed my eyes so I could see better and reached over my nightstand to turned on my lamp. Lighted up my dark room; caused Don to squirmed in his sleep and turned over to his other side. Where he is sleeping the floor and also hiding out.

I let out a sign, softly told myself, "it was just a nightmare and It's not real..." then ran my hand through my hair, but got caught through the tangles and stuck to my hand.  "What the?"

I tried to moved my hand out of my hair and saw I was covered in black ink. I looked down at at bed sheets, smeared and stained. It looked like the messed I made will never come out and will forever stained there, even if you put it through the washing machine. I know it'll be gone, like the evidence was never there. No traces proven that I am slowly losing myself to the darkness.


lowly I got out of my bed to go to my bathroom and closed the door quietly not wanting to wake Don up. I turned on the bathroom lights and took a quick glance at myself.

My grey eyes were glowing with the blue rings, pale skin, not boney still looked healthy and not a dark monster. The black ink did started to faded away, but what caught my attention almost cost me a piece of my emotions.

There was a light knock from the bathroom door. "Cheyenne I need to used the bathroom, please." Don spoked soft, groggy from waking up.

I spoke up, trying to stay calm. "Yeah. I'll be right out, give me a sec." I flushed the toilet and turned on the sink, hearing the water flow out as I looked at myself one last time.

The blue rings around my eyes were dimming out, like a sign would lighten up and flashes; Saying they're 'OPEN'

And my eyes does not say they're 'OPEN' with warm welcoming, full of happy endings and bundle of sunshine to spread happiness around.

No my eyes are saying, they're 'CLOSING' and I am running out time. When it closed, I locked myself away and let the darkness take over.

I almost felt the feared for myself, for my friend's and families safety.

My Love Left MeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora