Thank You? need to re-edit

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I woke up with a head ache, I was being nursered by cat boy. I was laying down on a very confertable bed, and Blake was in a chair, asleep. His back was hunched as he balanced himself on his elbows that were resting on his knee's. He was so sweet sometimes. I got out of bed with the killer head aches and gently carried Blake's heavy body to the bed. I sat down on his chair, and looked at him sleeping soundly. I was still so tired, I decided to lie down a little on the floor. I fell asleep rapidly. 

I woke up to the feeling of someone poking my stomach. I opened one eye, it was cat boy. "Mmmmmhmmmmhmm..." I mumbled. He laughed a little. "You're so silly you know that?" He asked me. "Mhm." I nodded my head a little, feeling a stabbing and uncomfertable pain on my neck. "And that is why you don't sleep on floors. Nya." Cat boy sighed. "But you are so cute when you sleep." I mumbled than closed my eyes. Only to feel more poking on my stomach. "NAAAAAAA!" I complained. Blake just laughed. "Better now?" He asked. "What do you mean?" I spoke a bit more alive now. "You were crying when you got here, and than you collapsed again." He got out of his bed. "Oh... right..." I looked down remembering everything that happened that night. "So what did he do?" Blake asked purring. I mumbled... I really don't want to have to remember what happen last night, it was pure cruelty on Elliot's part... plus it wasn't like I had to tell him was it? I wondered for a bit. "C'mon, you know you can trust me... right?" I think he sounded hurt on that last part. "I trust you... I just really hate that guy..." I said carefully, cat's can be so sensative sometimes...

I told him what happened with every detail I could imagine... I even told him about how I felt when it came to my last second and he shot the gun at the wall, I was scared the most there. At the end of my story I found myself craddling back and forth while crying. Why was I such a coward? I asked myself. Blake hugged me, he stayed quiet for a moment. "So you hate guns, and anything else people can use to kill?" He asked breaking the silence. "There's a reason why... It's from when I was a kid." I said leaning on his chest. He stayed quiet, as if expecting me to continue. "As you know I have a health condition and have spent most of my life in the hospital... I met this girl there my age, she was visiting her older brother, she always came to visit him. She loved him so much. One day we bumped into each other, ever since than she always came to visit me, she was my first and last friend. We became as close as sisters and I eventually started visiting her brother. He broke six ribs, his left leg, his right arm and almost his jaw in a gang fight. He was a nice person, but he hanged with the wrong type of people. Kind of what I was doing with Elliot..." I stopped myself there in a sob. His name gave me shivers. But cat boy was too curious for me to stop... and I have never told this story to anyone besides my family, mainly because it included them. I sighed. "One day, his gang was angry at him because he was slaking off in the hospital or something. They came in and pointed a gun at him, but when the guy pulled the trigger my best friend, Dannielle, saved his life with her own. I was visiting her brother with her, so I saw her die with my own eyes. Her brother nearly died himself, he was desperate to bring her back to life. But the gang shot him as well, they also had shot some patiants as well. They were about to shoot me when someone put a dagger through the shooter's chest. I was one of he few servivals of that floor. My parents say it was a blessing, for they were almost shot themselves. I said it was a curse, because none of my family members actually saw what I did, they didn't see the blood, they only saw a man and a gun." I finished standing up ready to leave. "And at some point in life, my grandmother died of a gun shot." My eyes darkened. Blake pushed me down to him, he hugged me. "That..." He grumbled the last part low so I didn't hear it. "He didn't know..." I said not believing I was defending him. "So? He didn't have the right to shove that gun on you're face. And he even almost killed you!" He said. I looked down knowing he was right. "Alice, listen to me..." He picked up my chin so that my eyes were facing his. His touch amazed me. "I'm not letting you out of my sight any more, from now on you are living in this room and staying were I can see you." Was he being over protective of me? I was about to argue that he didn't control me, but what's the poing. It's not like I have anything else to do nor anywhere else to be. 

"In one condition." He stared at me. "You let me work here as an employee, I need to earn my keep you know." I made him smile. "Alice, you got yourself a deal." We shook hands and than laughed. I stared into his beautiful jade/black eyes, they were so complicated. Cat boy took me to see Rollor, he gave me the job of ride testing. Somehow I felt safer with that jerk Elliot than there. Soon when he made me ride a coster with Blake I realized why. 

The ride started off like any other coster ride, with a gentle push, but as the tracks started emerging, the ride was different from any other coster I've been in. For this ride had twists and turns not even a snake could make, at one point there was a small crater in the tracks and the cart jumped through it! In another area you saw actual animals in some of the caves, and some ran to you or with you. The ride was so unbelievable and deadly. When it was finally over (haleluia!) Roller came to me with sparks in his eyes. "How was it?" He asked. I thought for a long time, and came up with a word. "Breath-taking." I think he thought I ment it in a good way. I ran to the bathroom and started puking. That ride was deadlier than poison, faster than light, and scarier than a monster (Elliot).

After a LONG day of testing rides I layed on cat boys floor and though, I was forgeting something... after a while I remembered that me and cat boy went to the library 3 days ago, so 7 more until I would be able to leave, in a way it made me happy, in another, it made me sad. But why?

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