The Invitation? Need to re-edit

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When we got to the queen's room, I was so dizzy. The queen looked at me with a smile, her silky black hair, going down to her hips, was now in piggy tails. Her whitish gray eyes sparkled as they where reflected from mine. "I wish you a happy birthday your majesty." Ace said bowing down. "As do I." I also bowed. She signaled us to get up. We did as she told us. "Ace I would like a moment with Alice." She said. "Yeas m'lady." Ace left. "Alice, I have a question, what did that man do to you?" She asked, I soon realized she meant Elliot. I think I blushed. "I, uh..." I remembered his tender lips touching mine, his passionate eyes locked into mine, my heart skipped a beat. But then I remembered those cold eyes glaring through me and his words like a dagger in my heart, a double-edged dagger. "I see." She sighed thinking. "He's too confusing m'lady." I said, she looked at me. "Explain." She ordered. "He hates me, his action prove that, but they also prove otherwise as well." I responded. "Like what?" She asked. "His words, his eyes, his tone." I wouldn't dare say what happened in the maze. "You seem tired." She noticed. "I am m'lady." I said. "Joker said she found you sleeping under a tree in the middle of the night. Why not sleep here for the night?" She offered. But I didn't want to see Joker for a while. "No thank you m'lady, I rather like sleeping outdoors." I lied. "As you wish Alice." She spoke softly. "Come, let us join the party." She smiled, she headed towards the door and I followed her. "I must attend to a business deal with Roller, but feel free to speak to our guests. Oh here." She snapped her fingers and then left me in the crowd.

I looked for a way out. I saw a door, so I pushed through the crowd to go to it. When I saw the doors clearly, I saw Joker guarding them. Shoot. I looked for another exit, the only one I found unguarded was one that led to a balcony. I went out . For a second I enjoyed the small breeze blow my hair, then I started planning an escape rout. I could jump, but one wrong move and I could break an ankle, or worse. And I could also use a curtain as a rope, but it would be too obvious and the queen would execute me, but it's not like I have long to live, so I might as well try to enjoy the last bit of life I still have left, but they would catch me before I would be done. I kept on thinking before I was joined by Elliot. "I see your wearing a new dress." He said in his oh so typical 'I don't care' tone of voice. "I am?" I asked. New dress? "Yes, you are, did you not notice?" He laughed. I looked at my jeans and Mario tee-shirt, only to find a silky black ball dress. Did this happen when the queen snapped her fingers? All I know was that I was wearing a pretty dress. I realized it was Elliot who was with me, and I was getting hot all of a sudden. Maybe I would jump out of the balcony. "See you around Alice." He said leaving. Yay, no broken ankles for me! "Bye." I leaned at the balcony's edge. I looked back, I saw that Elliot was frozen in place, in the middle of the doorway. "Alice..." He started. "Yeah?" I can't believe I encouraged him. He grabbed my shoulder, twisted me, and jammed my back against the wall. "Want to come over my place for tea some time tomorrow?" He asked with a grin in his face. I tried to free myself from his grasp, but he just pushed me harder. "Ok, I'll go." I said seeing that he would only let me go if I accepted. "Good." He grinned again and left me. I fell to the ground, shivering. I looked at the edge of the balcony, maybe  I could slide over. I heard someone coming close to the balcony, I jumped off but grabbed the ground before I fell to my doom. "ALICE! I swear I saw Alice here a moment ago." I heard Joker say. "Aha. Alice why on the queens will, are you hanging from the balcony?" She asked. "Um, would I like it here work?" I asked with a weary smile.

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