Tea Time With Him? Need to re-edit

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I started walking in a random direction. Not soon after, I was lost. And cat boy wasn't following me... I'm doomed. I kept walking forward. In the end, I ended up at the Mad Hatter's place. Scary. I looked at the gate for a minute, turned around, and started running. I ended up crashing on someone, but before I fell on my butt, the same person I crashed on held me, just so I wouldn't fall. "Thank you." I looked up, and saw the Mad Hatter himself, a.k.a. Elliot. Shoot. "Not a problem, do you need something? Why have you come here?" Where am I? Jeopardy? "No, I just got lost, that's all." I said trying to free myself from his grasp, but he wouldn't let me go. "Do you mind letting me go?" I asked politely. "No, I rather like holding you. By the way why were you running away from my mansion?" Could he get even ruder? But I have to admit he got me there, I don't think there's anything I could use to my defense, without sounding like a little girl or winey or idiotic. "Oh, no reason." I tried. "Ok, now tell me the real reason." He persisted. I'm doomed. "Are you scared of me?" He asked with a crooked grin. "I wouldn't say scared." I looked aside. "Then what is it?" He held me closer, I could feel his warmth, smell his sent, and even hear his heart. I was speechless. I wanted to move away, but I didn't, I could only sigh. What's wrong with me? He let me go. "Come, let us have some tea." He said casually, surprisingly I followed. That is, before everything went black. The last thing I saw were his cold eyes looking down on me. I hated those eyes.

When I woke up, I saw a chin, a nose and some hair. Then I saw his face. "You awake yet Alice?" Elliot asked me. I looked at him, dizzy. "Yeah." Was he carrying me? "You are quite a light girl you know that Alice?" He said, as if he couldn't care less. That got me angrier, he was more annoying then cat boy was. "Thank you, but I think I can walk, you don't have to carry me." I looked away from his pretty face. He had blue sparkly eyes, and dark black hair. I for one I am a blonde, but I also have blue eyes. "Well, that's to bad, I rather like carrying you." He grinned, holding me tighter. What is wrong with him? When we reached an open meadow, he finally let me down. 

"Sit." The funny thing was, he didn't ask if I wanted to sit, he ordered me to sit. "No thank you, I like standing." I forced a smiled. "I didn't ask you." That guy is such a pain. I decided to sit after all. He set up a picnic. Then he sat down himself. "I don't think we had a proper introduction." He said, again not caring. "My name is Elliot and your's is Alice, pleasure to meet you, the pleasure's all yours. The end of the introduction." He acted like it was a script and he was directing it. "Now for a pleasant talk." He looked expectantly at me. "What are your hobbies?" I asked, this time I didn't care. "Reading, drinking coffee, settling disputes, and my favorite, studying different things, like you." He grinned. Did he say he like studying things, like me? I was not a thing! But he said he wanted to study me? This man is so confusing. Do I go with anger or astonishment? "I hope you know I am not a thing." I said casually. But the truth was, I was a wreck inside because of this monstrous man. "Are you?" He mocked me. That's it I'll go with anger. He laughed. "Of course you're not, you're too... delicate, like a rose, but as poisonous as an oleander. You make me feel different." He said before I did anything. I think I blushed. At the sight of my face he smiled. He got up. "As much as I want to stay and see your pretty little face a while longer, I must leave." He said leaving, leaving me behind. I gazed at him.

I looked around, he left his stuff. I started gathering them around, it's the least I can do after the ride and the tea he gave me. Great now I feel like a maid.

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