A Gentleman or A Monster? need to re-edit

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I'm so sorry for not uploading this yet!! I sorta never stick to one story... its a really bad habit.. but the story is getting better and better. Please comment and tell me what I could do to make it even better! Enjoy!


I knocked on the Elliot's gates, this is scary. I'm going to actually get in the mansion on my own free will. Sort of anyway. As I waited I started to have second thought, maybe this isn't such a good idea, that guy is dangerous. I was going to turn around and start walking to the fun house, but Elliot got to the door and greeted me before I left. "Ah miss Alice, I see you have decided to show up." He grinned. "Looks like you do praise your life." I felt like punching him than and there. "Yes, but I see I'm unwelcome here so I'll take my leave." I controlled myself so I wouldn't sound as angry as I was. "Where did you get that from? Come right on in." His tone was welcoming, but he was giving me the death glare, as if if I didn't come in like he ordered me to he'd kill me.

I walked in and followed Elliot as he led me to a table outdoors. He pulled out a chair and I sat on it. "Incredibly lite." He grinned as he pushed the chair and me forward. "I know, I don't have much of a good diet." I spoke. His face was expressionless, as if he couldn't care less so I stopped talking. Without asking he poured some tea in my china tea cup, it had red roses decorating the black forest painted on it. He also shoved a slice of cake on my matching plate. He than sat down, and poured tea for himself and eyed me. "Well... Aren't you going to eat?" He asked after a sip. I looked from his face to the chocolate covered vanilla cake on my plate. "I'm not really that hungry." I said, but I reluctantly took a bite off the cake with my fork and placed the small piece in my mouth. It tasted heavenly. After that, I took a sip of the tea. "Delightful." I whispered. My eyes drifted to the table, it was a Lazy Susan type of table, with flower designs carved into the metal. "You intrigue me, and you are very fascinating may I add." He spoke like a gentleman. "Thank you..." I looked up to him and gasped. He pointed a black revolver to my face. "Come with me." He spoke softly. "No need to point a gun at me for that." I told him. How I hated this man. I stood up after him, and followed like a dog.

He lead me into his house, and into his room. He went into one of his millions of bookshelves and pulled a black book with a golden rose painted on it's side. He than stepped backward as the bookshelf started to move clockwise, like a revolving door, and once it made a forth of a turn Elliot dragged me in to the cave. The bookshelf closed after us. Where was he taking me? I was too scared to ask, but I knew I would soon find out my fate. Somewhere in this dark corridor was a door, Elliot opened that door revealing a room stacked up with guns. I stared at the gun-filled wall in both shock and amazement. "Pick a gun." He ordered me. At that time I brought my courage up. "No." I told him, glaring him straight in the eye. "It's not a request." He glared back at me, furious that I still haven't chosen a gun yet. Leaving his eyes, mine looked around at the huge wall of guns. "Tell me, what are guns made for?" I asked him. "Killing and defending." He spoke softer now, his black hair getting in his remarkably beautiful face. "And what exactly do we kill?" I asked another question. "Everything we could imagine." Came his reply. "And that is the reason I won't pick up a gun." I spoke coldly. "These guns may have the most beautiful designs, but as long as they are used to kill, I look at them with disgust." I added. Elliot, still looking at me, walked to a gun and tossed it to me. I made no effort to catching it, but I didn't know how Elliot felt about his guns so in the end I did catch it regreting the moment I touched my hands against the cold metal. Than Elliot re-pointed his revolver at me. "Your life or mine? Who will it be? You have a minute." He spoke cruelly. I gently placed the gun on a table, I glared at Elliot as I did so. And I walked my way to the door. "35, 34..." Elliot made a count down. I closed the door behind me and started to walk back from where I came from, but Elliot followed, and so did his count down. "10, 9..." His voice firm, I continued to walk down the hallway until I hit a dead end, I tried to find the trigger to the door, but I couldn't seem to spot it. "5, 4, 3, 2..." Elliot paused. He looked at me one last time, but this time it was with pity and amusement. "1. Bang, you're dead." He shot the wall behind me. The noise of that shot made my head spin, I felt dizzy and fell to the ground, I coughed and breathed heavenly. My heart felt closed and horrified, my eyesight went black and I could only see Elliot look down at me as if I was pathetic. "Tisk tisk, frightened by a simple noise." I heard him say harshly while laughing. My eyes were probably wide with surprise and fear in them, and a single tear fell from my left eye. "SHUT UP!" I screamed, that seemed to hush him. I got up looking down, my hair getting in my face. I looked up to face him and than looked back down, he looked tedious and bored. I grew angry, my eyes probably showed it as well. Shaking with rage I spoke. "I bet you think you're looking cool and collected and calm, and I bet you think you're superior am I right?" I asked, no response came. My hands touched the wall, smoothly looking for a trigger to open the door. "Either way, you're just another jerk who thinks he's a cool hotshot guy that has popularity and fame by him. Well news flash, you're not! You are an annoyance and just a waste of time, if it's attention you want you aren't getting any. You're another lowlife who thinks he's king 'cus he has a bunch of guns." I spatted those cruel words out at him. I found a large button on my left and pushed it. I took a step forward waiting for the door to open. He used his gun as an expansion to his arm to pull my chin up, revealing my angry and frustrated puffy eyes cry, my lower lip being bit and almost bleeding, and my red nose sniff the air. "That look suits you well." He whispered, I sighed at his words. The door was completely open. "Goodbye jerk, see you around." I turned around and left.

I crept out of the mansion and made it out of it's large gates that locked the mansion inside it. I felt safer out here than in there. I walked straight forward, following cat boy's instructions. I made it to the fun house, I looked at it and wondered if I should come back later. I felt like all heck was against me, and my heart was pounding like it does when darkness comes to me. "Alice you're here!" Cat boy yelled happily, but than he saw my face. "What did that idiot Mad Hatter do now?" He asked. I looked at him with sad eyes, than embarrassingly blacked out.

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