Time to Call Palutena

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Pit: *Driving around in the Exo-Tank*

Pit: *Parks the Exo-Tank*

Pit: *Leaves it on and running to get something from the vending machine*

Dark Pit: *Jumps into the Exo-Tank-*

Pit: *Turns around to see his Exo-Tank being stolen*

Dark Pit: *Drives away in Pit's Exo-Tank*

Pit: ...Welp! *Pulls out his phone and calls Palutena*

Palutena: Hello, Pit.

Pit: Um, hi.

Palutena: What happened now?

Pit: Someone stole my Exo-Tank. Can I have a new one?

Palutena: Actually, that was the last one we have. You know what that means. *Hangs up*

Pit: *Dies inside*

Pit: ...

Pit: *Sighs*

Pit: *Begins to walk back to Skyworld*

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