XIV: You Changed Me

Start from the beginning

"I don't know how she managed to catch pancakes on fire, but she did." My mom was laughing with Lexa.

"Hey, in my defence I was only twelve!" I crossed my arms and pouted.

"Awe!" Lexa came over to me and tried to give me a kiss on the cheek, but I wouldn't let her. "Come on, it's a great story. Everyone makes at least one really out there mistake while cooking." She informed before grabbing my hands and pulling me off of the stool. She made me dance with her as Head Over Heels by Tears For Fears played. We both ended up laughing as we danced, because it was a silly song. Then she started singing some of the lyrics. "I wanted to be with you alone, and talk about the weather..." she skipped lyrics while the music played and would come back in, "you keep your distance with a system of touch, and gentle persuasion. I'm lost in administration, could I need you this much?..." She was laughing while she was singing which just made it even funnier, "Something happens and I'm head over heels..." she twirled me before she continued singing, "Something happens and I'm head over heels. Ah, don't take my heart, don't break my heart, don't, don't, don't throw it away." I ended up laughing at her and her low-key romantic self.

I gave her a smile when she stopped dancing, then she gave me a kiss before letting go of my hands to help my mom out. Only when she turned towards my mom, my mom had her phone out, camera facing us and Lexa was flushed. "Mom! Did you record us?" I practically screeched. I knew the answer, but really!

My mom put her phone down and started texting, "What? It's not like I'm going to post it on Facebook or anything."

"You are, aren't you?" Of course she was, she did this with all of my relationships I had that she knew of!

My mom smiled innocently, "Clarke, you know me so well." I grumbled before she spoke. "Get your dad and tell him to help set up the table. Lexa, you can help them if you want."

She automatically obliged. I handed her the silverware and I grabbed our plates. "Dad! Come help set up the table!" A minute later he came in, grabbing the napkins and followed me into the dining room. I sat plates down while my dad followed with the napkins and Lexa set up the silverware. My mom came in minutes later with the food and sat it in the middle. My dad sat at the head of the table, my mom to the right, Lexa to his left and I was next to Lexa. We all passed around the food until everyone had everything and then we started eating. I took one bite of the chicken that Lexa ended up preparing because my mom didn't want to do it again and I immediately fell in love. "Why is it that you always make everything taste so great?" Then I took another bite. "Oh my god, I'm sorry mom, I love your cooking, but babe you make my mom's cooking taste like an amateur made it."

"It can't be that great!" My mom scoffed before taking a bite of chicken. "Wow, okay maybe you're right."

"It's nothing really, but thanks Abby, and thank you babe!" Lexa gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"I thought Jasper and Monty were going to come over for Thanksgiving. Where are they?" My dad asked. To be honest, he thought of those two as the sons he's never had. I mean he loves me too, and I can be one of the guys every now and again, but they have always been around.

"Oh, Jasper is visiting his girlfriend's parents tonight and they said they should be here tomorrow." I took a drink from the wine glass my mom set out for us. I was about to say something, but my mom interrupted.

"I didn't know Jasper had a girlfriend, just like I didn't know you had a girlfriend." She narrowed her eyes at me.

I changed the subject. "Hey, is grandma visiting for Thanksgiving?"

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