V: Past is the Past

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"To be Commander is to be alone"


"Indra, I don't want to hear about this right now. Can't it wait until Monday when I'm there?" I was walking around Anya's house with a large tee shirt on that Anya let me borrow. Anya wasn't home at the moment and Sundays were my days to lightly exercise throughout the day. I was doing wall pushups here and there, walking around her apartment.

"But Lexa, this is good for your representation on the corporation. A magazine wants to interview you and take a couple photo shoots."

"You know I don't like the publicity, I want to stay away from it as much as I can." I started making breakfast for myself. Brown eggs, tomato, green and red peppers, onions, milk.

"You know what will happen, it is either you do it, or they harm you. Do you know how many times I've seen your face in a magazine for a good thing? Never, it is all about your past relationships and what those lying bitches say to them."

"Let them. I'm done with the dating scene anyway." Not entirely true Lexa.

"I'm just saying, if you want this corporation to look good, then we need a CEO to represent in a positive manner. Titus isn't doing that great of a job, and neither am I or Nyko, so you need to do it, you have more publicity than us." Indra informs me.

"When do they want to do it?" I asked while pouring milk into the eggs I just cracked into a bowl, then mixing them together. I heard papers shuffle in the background as I started cutting up the vegetables I got out.

"Monday around ten in the morning, or Friday around five in the afternoon. You get to pick." Indra said. I heard someone in the background and she said something back. "By the way, there is already a picture of you on the webpage of CEO relations. It was you dancing with some girl in a restaurant. Care to explain for someone who is done with the dating scene?"

I poured the eggs in a skillet and turned on the burner. "She was just a mutual friend. Everyone was dancing and we were the only two sitting at the table so I asked her if she wanted to dance, and she said yes. Must you know every part of my life?" I started sprinkling on all the different vegetables onto the egg and let it sit to cook through.

"I'm just saying, you got pretty comfortable while dancing with her." She laughed.

"Is it a crime for me to dance with someone." I rolled my eyes as I flipped the egg into an omelet, perfect. I started making salsa with the left over vegetables to put on top of my omelet.

"No, but she looked like a great looking girl."

"She's probably like the girls I've dated."

"If she was, then she would look like the girls you've dated, slutty skanks, just telling the truth." Ouch, that hurt.

"Gee, thanks Indra."I said while putting my food on a plate and putting the salsa on top, then walking over to a table and taking a bite, "Mmmm, Indra, sometimes I amaze myself." I was referring to my food.

"Sometimes your a dork. Anyway, when do you want to do the interview and photo shoot?" I heard Indra lightly laugh in the phone.

Do I really have too? "I guess Friday, that sounds good. See you tomorrow morning Indra."

"You too, good bye, Miss Woods." I heard papers shuffling in the background again.

I rolled my eyes, I hate when people call me by my last name, well when they add Miss at the end. It makes me feel incapable of my job. "Bye Indra. And we talked about the Miss thing."

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