Siblings (Babysitting Chat)

Start from the beginning


He looked back at his sister's door. It sounded as though someone was on her bed. He dropped his phone on the counter and climbed the stairs. He paused at the hatch and leaned against it with his ear. There was rustling and soft hums and oohs. Confused, he lifted the hatch and walked in. Whatever or whoever was inside scrambled away with their shoes scrapping against the wood floor. Jian narrowed his eyes as he looked around. Her floor was the same (if messy), her manakin was the same, her loft was the same, her chaise was the same, her posters of her crush was the same, her desk was the same . . . Nothing really looked out of place.

Although the large Chat Noir doll under the desk was a bit of a stretch. He kept his eyes on it as he moved towards it. He frowned when its eyes followed his own as he walked towards it. As he came closer, they widened and it curled up into a ball, trying to hide its face. Jian dropped on his knees and marveled at the creature. "What? What are you doing in my sister's room?" he asked. It cowered away, further driving himself into a dead end. He sighed as he grabbed the doll-like character and pulled him out of his hiding spot.

"Come here. There's no point in trying to run if you're caught." The child squirmed in his arms, but he merely adjusted the position to where it wasn't as annoying to deal with flailing arms. "God, you're tougher to deal with than both my sisters." The words he muttered must have cut the boy since he stopped squirming to get back and just laid his head on his shoulder, arms wrapped around his neck.

They climbed down the stair and set the child was down on the counter. He huffed in relief with the heavily toddler off his chest, out of practice when dealing with children. He looked the kid over and formed at his dusty boots. "Do you need help taking off your costume or are you good?" he asked.

"I can't de-trans-firm!" the kid wailed in a childish slur. "Then you'll know my iden-ity an' my Lady'll get mad at me!"

Jian shrugged. The child stared at him with serious eyes, which only caused an unnecessary annoyance in his neck. "It's not like she'll know you de-transformed in front of me. She's not even here." He reached into the fridge, rustled around and pulled out a cake he baked out of anger for a harsh grade. "Besides, we don't want you getting your suit dirty if we're gonna eat this together."

He smiled as the child dressed hero's lips were pressed together to keep drool from falling. His pupils were widening like a cat's seeing fresh food laid out for them. It was surprising when the child then shook his head and scooted away from the sweet desert. "I can't. Papa says food like that ruins my appetite." He gulped. "Peré says that."

Jian looked at the cake, then at the child. He sneers. Putting the food down, he grabbed a knife and slowly cut the cake down the middle, then into fourths, then eights. When done, he slide a slice onto a plate and poured homemade chocolate icing onto it, letting the syrup drip down the sides only to add a squeeze more. After the chocolate coated the cake, he took his sprinkles and let them fall delicately onto the top of one side of the desert —covering every speck of chocolate but on the upper half. He then grabbed a small strawberry, washed it, removed the stem, cut it to fourths and placed them on the bare chocolate icing. The child stared in awe at the master piece.

Jian pulled the cake away so he could clean the counter. When the child tried to edge closer to the food so he could get a better glimpse, the college student frowned. "Don't move. I don't want your dirt getting everywhere in the kitchen." The child then frowned when the cake was taken with a fork towards the living room where the older boy sat at the couch and turned on the TV.

The boy tried to moved towards him, but was scolded again. "Unless you're going to de-transform, don't move with those dirty shoes."

Jian turned his attention back to the TV and soon heard a swoosh behind him. The child, freed of a mask and black cat-suit, scrambled at his side and dug into the cake, humming in delight. Jian would have dismissed the sudden change of clothes if it wasn't for an oversized fly that buzzed in front of his face. "Where's your cheese?"

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