Then suddenly, there was another presence in the room. It took a moment for Alec to realize it, he was gripping the edge of the couch he was sitting in so tightly that his hands might've left indentations in the fabric. Suddenly, there was someone sitting down next to him, and there seemed to be a fierce, defeated anguish flashing for a moment in Ms. Queen's face. Alec would recognize that warmth anywhere.

"Well, I do hope that I'm not interrupting anything," Magnus said, his tone was light, but his body posture was grim and firm, "but they let me join in as a little bit of a surprised guest."

There was a distant cheering around them as Ms. Queen forced her expression to become neutral again, and Alec thought some of the warmth was finally returning to him. Something finally was snapping back into the right position. Magnus was here, he was going to be okay, because Magnus was there.

"So, back to your questions about the rumors surrounding myself and Ms. Belcourt," Magnus continued on in a friendly, amiable tone, "I hope this might answer it for you."

Then, without any warning, Magnus forced Alec's chin up, and suddenly, they were kissing on live television. And for once, Alec didn't care if the entire world was watching them. Everything seemed to be so much clearer now, as if fog and mist had suddenly disappeared from him so everything was right in front of his eyes. It was just him and Magnus, and the safe security of being with someone he loved so much.

Alec loved Magnus so much, he didn't care for once, if his mother disapproved, or if anyone else did, for the matter. He loved Magnus, he loved everything about him, from his bright eyes to his slick smiles. He loved him for his gentle hands, and the sweet edge that would always be in his voice whenever he spoke to him. Magnus, he had become part of who he was now.

They pulled away for a moment, and Alec tried to hide his breathlessness and widened eyes. It always happened after he kissed Magnus. It was just something about him that seemed to drive him insane. Magnus was talking again, over the crowd of audience that was whispering and clapping excitedly behind him. Alec refused to turn his head away from the other man as he spoke.

"What happened between Camille and I is long in the past," he told Ms. Queen, who was now looking rather sulky, "she might've been able to give me joy in the past, but it's Alec who's my future."

Magnus took Alec's hand, and his thumb grazed along the bare skin on the back of his hand comfortingly. He felt as if his blood was starting to flow normally again, and everything in the room seemed to be a lot brighter. Magnus was right there by him, and nothing else could go wrong. Alec met their interviewer's eyes full on, matching the cold edge of steel in her eyes easily. It sent a clear message to her, daring her to ask anything else questioning them.

"Thank you for the interview," Ms. Queen told them coolly, though Alec could almost see the rage that was starting to burn in her eyes, "that's all the time we have today for everyone's latest, favorite couple."

Magnus pulled Alec up along with him as some people started to applaud, cheering brightly. And Alec, for the first time in his life, really appreciated the support. These people were standing behind him right now, helping him out of somewhere that had been so dark inside his mind for so long.

"Malec!" Ms. Queen gestured to them as they left. There were cheers, but they seemed faded and dull in Alec's ears now. The sound of his own heartbeat rushed over everything else. Alec actually didn't mind how deafening his own heartbeat sounded. The blood rushing in his ears was just a sweet, pure reminder that he was still alive. It was a reminder that he was really there in the world, and right next to him with Magnus.

It was Magnus who was making his world bright, with his intoxicating laugh and his eccentric fashion choices. It was Magnus who had approached him first, that night at the Accords Party. Alec would never forget that, it was impossible for him to forget that at all.

Alec never let go of Magnus's hand, if anything, he just held onto it tighter. In return, Magnus never let his hand go either, clinging to it, reminding him that he wouldn't let him fall on his own.

"Thank for saving me, right then," Alec told Magnus once they were alone in the limo, "that was actually pretty amazing timing."

Magnus didn't look at Alec when he replied, "I asked Catarina for your schedule for the day, and I decided to go and see you at one of your first interviews. I was only supposed to wait backstage, but I heard those questions that bitch was asking you, and I couldn't help myself."

Only when his words were finished did he look at Alec. Those blue eyes, they were staring at him. There wasn't any anger in there, but perhaps a hint of confusion. Those eyes that Magnus had first saw at that party so long ago, the ones that had trailed around the room, focusing only on those people who were important to him. Alec knew who meant the most to him, and that was one of the best things about him. He would protect what he loved with his life, as fierce as a burning fire that seemed to be inside of the boy.

"So I'm not the only one who thinks she's a raging bitch then," Alec finally spoke after a while.

Then, he threw back his head and laughed.

Magnus found that he had to laugh alongside with him.

After a while, it was Alec, surprisingly, who spoke first again. His tone was shy, like it had been when the two of them had first been going out.

"So, I'm sorry, about what happened, that day."

Magnus waved his hand dismissively, "Forget about it. I was being kind of a jackass."

Alec shook his head slightly, "I wasn't thinking about how you would feel, at all. I was just so panicked, everything was happening so fast, and I guess I couldn't really think straight."

Magnus cast him a rueful look, "I'll wait for you, Alexander, for as long as you want, until you're ready. I love you, and I don't want to rush or force you into anything that you don't want to do."

Alec simply stared back at him, his mouth hung slightly open. It was only then that Magnus realized that he had really said those words, those words he hadn't spoken in such a long time. Three little words, that might've been his own undoing.

"You..." Alec's voice was very soft, and he looked a bit as if he was in awe, "Love me?"

"You stupid boy," Magnus said, running a hand through his hair, "Why else am I here?"

And that caused the faintest, the faintest of smiles to come over Alexander's face. His brilliant eyes were lighting up again, and he seemed to open up a little more, almost like a blooming flower reaching for any bit of sun it could find.

"I love you too," he replied, and there wasn't the slightest of hesitation in them.

Magnus felt as if he was floating on air. He felt as if he was suddenly going insane, and nothing made sense anymore. There was nothing bad about the feeling, though. On the contrary, he had never felt better in the rest of his life. What wonderful being from above, had sent him to cross with Alec's path, he thanked it inside his head once again.

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