Chapter 7 - Sup' Ken?

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Chapter 7

Previously On "The Cure"

"Want to go to my house and make a video?" I asked her once we got out of the water.

"Sure!!" She replied.

And So It Continues...

•Ryan's POV•

"Want to go to my house and make a video?" I asked her once we got out of the water.

"Sure!!" She replied.

As we walked to the car, I looked at Kate. She seemed really worried. "Are you okay?" I asked her. Her expression immediately lit up.

"Yeah I'm fine, why wouldn't I be fine?" She asked with an unconvincing smile. Is it something I did?

"No seriously. You seem sad whenever you get lost in thought," I explained. Her smile seemed to fade a little and then it lit up once again when we got to my car.

"Do you have ice cream at your house?" She asked me with a smile. I nodded my head.

"Cookies and cream, Chocolate, vanilla, mint, my friends like to come over a lot so that's what they eat," I told her. She nodded and I started to drive toward my house.


•Kate's POV•

"So this is the famous Cry's house," I asked in amazement. Ryan nodded with a laugh. We got out of the car, walking toward the door. He had his key out and walked in front of me. I walked in front of him and stopped when I saw a note on his door.

"The door's unlocked. I'm inside PS: 12345678910" That's all the note said. I took it off the door and showed it to Ryan. He looked alarmed at first, but he smiled and walked toward the door.

He opened the door and yelled something in. "What are you doing here Ken?" He yelled.

"Ken? As in CinnamonToastKen?" I asked curiously. He laughed a little and smiled, amused at my knowledge.

"Oh hey Ryan!" Ken said as he walked toward the door. I was standing behind Ryan, so when Ken hugged him, he saw me. "Who's this girl?" He asked. I couldn't say a word because I was in a state of shock. It was actually him.

"Ken this is Kate. Kate this Ken," he explained. He held out a hand but I ignored in and gave him an excited hug.

"Oh my gosh you're actually real!" I exclaimed. I let go so it wasn't uncomfortable. I looked at Ken and he was confused.

"She's a fan," Ryan answered. He looked amused at my actions. "Kate, why didn't you hug Scott or me?" He wined. I just laughed.

"Well you see, people have seen Scott's face, so I would have been loud and caused an audience. Than people would get his autograph, then turn their attention to you. They would ask and ask until they figured out who you were," I explained, amused at myself. Ryan and Ken both looked amused.

"How did you figure out its me?" Ryan asked. I smiled and remembered what happened.

"I watch Late Night with Cry and Russ and your videos. I know your voice. I figured it was weird that Scott was meeting up with a very familiar voiced person. Then it hit me," I explained. Once again, they were amused.

"Well you're one smart cookie," Ken said. I thanked him and smiled.

"What are you doing here anyway Ken?" Ryan said with a laugh.

"Oh. I uh. Wanted to use your computed to shoot a video. You have a game I didn't buy and I really want to play it," he explained. Ryan nodded. Ken held up his fist to me and I fist-pumped him.

He left to the hallway and Ryan followed him. I followed too. We finally went into a room and I saw Ken siting in a chair next to a computer.

"Want to do the video with me?" He asked me. I know he would have asked Ryan if people saw his face.

"No thanks. I have enough subscribers. And I don't show my face," I explained. He was confused and I realized he doesn't know that I'm also YouTube famous. I walked to him. "Hi. I'm 'Insanity-can-be-the-cure'," I explained.

"CinnamonToastKen," he said, shaking my hand. "I'm also a fan," he added. I smiled even wider and sat on the floor next to the desk.

Ryan walked out of the room, but if I got up,  the camera would see me. He started the video and I was trapped. Oh well; it's Ken. What's the worst he could do?

Occasionally he would say something funny and I would laugh in the background, and he would look in my direction and shush me with a laugh. At one point he said something and I took it the wrong way. I laughed again.

"What was so funny?" He asked me. I smiled and kept laughing. Once I finally got a breath, I explained.

"That just sounded really wrong," I said. Ken thought about it for a second and then he started laughing. I stopped laughing when I realized something. If anyone who watches this video recognized my voice, they would try to find me through him.

He finished the video soon and got up. I got up and walked into the hallway.  I heard a TV at the end of the hallway, so I walked to the source. I found Ryan sitting on the couch watching some show. I sat next to him.

"Hey," he said.

"Hey. Can we have ice cream?" I asked. He nodded and I followed him to the kitchen.  He opened up the freezer and my eyes saw cookies and cream immediately.

"What do you want?" I asked him. I took cookies n cream out and Ryan nodded. We made two bowls and put syrup on it. We put in The Avengers and watched it while we ate.

When the movie was almost over, I was really tired. Our bowls were already in the kitchen, and Ken sat in a chair to the right of the couch. Despite my efforts to stay awake, I fell asleep on Ryan's chest. I knew he would wake me up for the video. At least I think he will. If anything, he'll get up and then I'll wake up.

As I was falling asleep, I thought about the one thing I didn't want to happen. I thought about what would happen if I was recognized. Ryan was lucky that I'm good with secrets. And he was lucky his friends could also keep secrets. I know that neither Ken nor Ryan would share my identity. And I wouldn't be in any of Ken's videos so I was safe at that point.

Nothing to worry about. I hope.

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