Chapter 2 - The Call

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Chapter 2

Previously On "The Cure"

After the place was tidy and neat, I finally laid down and stared drifting to sleep, thinking about Ryan's smiling face..  

And So It Continues...

•Ryan's  POV•

"Bye Scott, see you in a few days," I said as Scott left.

"Bye Ryan," Scott responded tiredly.

When Scott left,  I used the cafe's restroom. When I walked out, I noticed Kate was talking to the manager. I stood behind her and waited for her to finish; I wanted to ask the manager about the new coffee coming out. I didn't mean to, but I accidentally eavesdropped on her conversation.

"I'll be fine, I'll just take a cab or something home," she told him. Then she thanked him and turned around.

"Hi," she said.

"Hi. I over-heard that you are taking a taxi home. Why are you leaving your car for a taxi?" I asked, wondering.

 "There's no gas in the tank and I have to get home somehow," She said.

"Oh...... Well.... Scott went home..... So maybe- if you're fine with it- I could...Ya'know..... drive you home?" I asked her. 'WHAT AM I DOING?'

She stared at me with a shocked expression and I regretted asking.

"Um... Sure... Sounds nice!....." She responded, making me relax.

I took her to my car and she gave me directions. Every time we stop at a red light, I would turn my head for a moment and look at her, staring off into space, her eyes sparkling in the moonlight.

When we arrived at her house, I was weirdly sad to see her get out of my car.

"Do you want to come inside for something to drink?" She asked politely.

"I'm fine, thank you," I told her. She let out a sigh and balanced her head on her arms, which were on the window frame next to me. I got out of the car and gave her a hug goodbye. 'That's what friends do, right?' She seemed shocked, but after a second hugged me back.

"Good night Ryan," she said tiredly.

"Good night Kate" I replied, getting into my car. I watched her go into her house and drove away, smiling to myself. I went home and said good night to my two cats, and went to bed.

 I woke up, made some cereal, and fed my cats. I laid down on my couch, an seconds later I got a phone call.

"Hello?" I asked the caller.

"Hi Ryan, it's Kate" her familiar voice said.

"Hey Kate! Did you need something, or just feel like randomly talking?" I asked jokingly.

"I'm bored out of my mind!!" She admitted.

"How about we go to the fair tonight, if you're so bored?" She paused for a second.

"Sure!! Do you want to pick me up or I go to your house?" She asked.

I looked at the clock. "I'll pick you up. Since the fair closes in ten hours, I'll pick you up in two, ok?"

"Of course!! Two hours is 2pm ish, right?" She verified.

"Yeah, she you then," I said.

"Bye," she hung up. 'This will be fun,' I thought.

I sat down at my computer, opening Skype. I noticed Scott, Russ, and Red were on, but Russ and Red were  probably in a call. So I voice-called Scott, a grin implanted on my face.

"Sup' Ryan?" Scott said.

"Hi buddy!!" I said in an enthusiastic voice.

"Why are you so happy?" He asked curiously.

"You remember Kate from the cafe?" I asked him suspiciously.

"Yeah, what about her?" He asked clueless on what I was saying.

"We're going to the fair tonight, and I'm really excited!!" I told him.

"You're going on a date with her!?" Scott asked, sounding surprised.

"I don't think it's a date, more like a friendly meeting," I said, sounding a little disappointed.  I could tell Scott was probably smiling mischievously at my sadness.

"But you wish it was a date?" He asked, using a mischievous voice.

"Maybe. But anyway, I got to go record a quick video then get ready to go," I told him. "See you later tonight, if you're planing on staying up late. Bye!"

"I am staying up late and bye," Scott said, before ending the call.

I recorded at twenty minute "Cry Reads:" video and then took a shower. I put on something that looked nice and looked at the clock.

'Still got thirty-two minutes,' I frowned. So I uploaded the video and played a quick unrecorded game.

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