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Jacks POV
I sat there staring into fin air, still waiting for the doctors to come and let us know that she was okay and we could see her. I blanked all noise out until I saw her doctor come through the doors. I got up from my chair and stormed right over to him with and angry expression on my face.

As soon as I got over to him, Lucy and Conor had joined me in front of the Doctor as he started speaking. "From what we can tell from the results, Lydia's drink was not spiked, but she's also not terminally ill." I stood there puzzled for a second until he carried on. " I believe that this was just a one time thing, it could of been from a number of things such as dehydration or sleep deprivation. "

Lucy and Conor hugged each other in happiness while the doctor led me to Lydia's room. It sounded selfish considering Lucy was her sister, but I asked her if I could see Lydia alone first and she said she was okay with that. The doors opened to her room, I was so happy to see her.

I slowly walked in with tears to my eyes as I saw her sleeping peacefully.

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