"Wait a sec!! Timeout!" I shouted as I held my hands up forming a T. Vanadais sighed and stopped before glaring down at me. 

"What?" She snapped. " Quickly, I already told you I'm on a tight schedule." 

"Uhh" I try to think of a way to stall. "W-Why... Why do you need me? Why not just leave me out here?" She rolled her optics before looking back up toward the ship fortress and walking in. 

"Oh, Deary, there is so much he forgot to inform you of isn't there?" I gulped slightly as the door slammed shut behind us, locking me in here with her. 

"I'm going to take a guess and assume that question was rhetorical, but I'm going to also pretend it was not and say, I don't know, what are some of the things He didn't inform me of?" she simply chuckled and kept walking.

"You will learn all in due time, Deary, all in due time" I withheld a shiver at the dark tone she used. 

"B-But what if I want to know now? What if I am to impatient to wait? What If-" She stopped abruptly and holds me up to her face scowling.

"Do you organics ever shut up? Why in all the galaxies did he have to choose you? You are more annoying then you are helpful." I frown and glare back at her. 

"Hey! I know there are a lot of bad humans out there, but not all of us are awful. Don't pretend you are so much better just because you are 20 times our size and have more advanced technology. We are a lot similar than you think. We are just a younger species. Also don't pretend that all you cybertronians are perfect. There are plenty of decepticons out there that kill for fun and I'm pretty sure you are not here for just sunshine and roses. So then tell me Vanadias," I then stood up in her palm. "Why are you here?" We glared at each other for a bit before she huffed and lowered me and kept walking. 

"As I said humans are annoying, but I am not here for them. Oh no. I am here for a much bigger prize, but as I said earlier you will learn all that in due time. Now let's go visit my guests." I sat back down with a huff as she turned a corner and opened a nearby door. "Here we are, My Dear. Why don't you say hello to my guests." My hands shot up to cover my mouth in horror at what lied there before me as I gasped.

"No" I couldn't tear my eyes away at what I saw, speechless. 

"Oh yes" The femme whispered maliciously. I wanted to glare at her, but I couldn't look away no matter how much I tried. I needed to speak though so I whispered to her growling slightly.

"What have you done?" 

"Me? Why my dear what makes you think I did anything? Maybe they did this to themselves?" at that I ripped my eyes away from the scene before me to glare at Vanadais with a burning hatred. I growled as I spoke to her.

"They would never do that to themselves and you have recently ranted about how you hate everyone. So you are the obvious one to accuse. Now tell me, My Lady" I spat. "What. Did. You. Do." I demanded my jaw clenched. She glared at me.

"Don't you dare use my title against me fleshy." She spoke in tone that I could only guess was as low as her coice would go.  "Remember I could have squashed you flat the moment I found you, but sadly you do play a part of slight importance in my plan, but know this," She lifted me up to her face again. "If you become too much of a bother or a hindrance to me I will not hesitate to squash you. Have I made myself clear, insect?" She spat back at me.

"Crystal." She lowered me and regained her fake cheery tone. 

"Good. Now, I shall leave you here with your friends and please don't even think about attempting to escape. Even if you get out of the cell there is no way for you to get off the ship. Ta Ta for now." With that she set me just on the inside of the cell and walked out shutting and locking the door behind her. I glared at the door before turning to look at the scene behind me, whispering. "Oh guys I'm so sorry." I walked towards them, my injured leg completely forgotten, the pain drowned out by the adrenaline 

Why Me? ( A TFP Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now