An Open letter.....

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Hey guys it's Trish_d_1 and this is an open letter, that I was looking forward to share with you's based on significance of woman in society, do read it.....



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Dear low minded people,

You know what I hate you I hate people like you! Your kind of people makes me sick! First of all you don't know the meaning of being a woman a girl, you describe woman as a beautiful creature, no doubt but I hate the fact that you think woman are just beautiful porcelain dolls that should be kept under wraps..... make me clear this doubt whatever shape, size, colour, woman everywhere are beautiful in their own way, not just woman every damn living being on this earth is beautiful in their own way, so you don't have a right to discriminate people and be a racist, the thing which I hate of people like you are those woman who tries to degrade or de-motivate other woman's by telling them that they should do this or that, make me this clear, if you do this you are a disgrace to woman yourself.

You think that woman is only made to do manicure, pedicure, cook food produce babies and be a housewife, than you are wrong in every sane way possible. You know what! the word woman in my dictionary means complete different, it means a beautiful creature who can love you unconditionally if you love them back and respect them, but if you try to piss them off beyond their patience than they can ruin your very existence in every single way possible, so get that straight through your thick head that we woman are not slaves or puppets in some dumb man hands, who think they are great, yes I agree that being a housewife is also a difficult task but it does not mean that every girl wishes to be a housewife not every girl wishes to be a puppet and not every girl wishes to marry it's all lies.

When those so called mother in law or father in law says that they will let their daughter in laws study or work after marriage, just to prove their point that they are so awesome, it's all lies if they really cared they won't have to even mention that.

Marriage is about two equal peoples wanting to live their life together, supporting and helping each other so a second or third opinion of any other person doesn't matter they are allowed to do whatever they want to do, without caring of this god damn society.

Agreed woman are not physically fit like man but not every man is physically fit, there are woman's who are physically fit than rest of the man in the world, but is it really the physical fitness a measure to calculate some one's a virtue, gone are the days when a person physical fitness was more than important that there life, gone the days when the wars are won only with man power, today's world doesn't work like that anymore.

Today's world gives importance to science, gives importance to logical thinking and intelligence and there is no one who should dare to say that woman are not allowed to be intelligent, I mean seriously I'm having enough of this shit, firstly you people don't allow woman to fight and now you don't allow them to use their brains, remember god has given everyone a brain to use, won't think god is stupid to give woman's a brain just like that, if god doesn't want to give us brain then it won't have, because brain is a brain there is no he or she for it, so stupid are those people who say woman's doesn't have brains!

Get a peep inside a woman's brain you will be mesmerised with our multi tasking ability, politics and much more you can't see into a person's brain, the people who think woman always dreams about money, shopping manicure and stuff like that, you have no idea what we think so it's so wrong for you people to make a judgement.

I don't think every woman wishes to marry, no you are so damn wrong, we wish equality, we don't want you to respect us as a woman, we want you to respect us as a fellow human being first and please don't get me started with all those religion stories, people say god is a man, I mean seriously do you hear yourself?! First of all I a human being, deny the fact in believing in god, yes there is a super natural being, I accept it that there is someone, but I completely and absolutely deny the fact that the person is a 'he' I don't accept that shit, because I don't believe in things which I can't see, I never met this god so i can't accept believing in your so called 'he'. I mean people talk about miracles and some say they even witnessed it, but I will not believe it until i see it myself, in the end just want to say that don't underestimate woman, you don't know what we are capable of and this is no woman empowerment, yes for a better future woman should be motivated

But as well as the society themselves should be motivated because no woman alone can work miracles if society themselves does not support the idea and treat us equal, people pray to god to have a son, but you know what I'll be a little harsh, you don't deserve to be a parent than, our children learn from what we do, may be if you become a parent of a son what will you teach him ha ?he will learn just the way you do, he will never respect woman, so what's the use of giving a birth to a life just because you want your property to be under your heir, you want a son, than the question comes why can't a girl be a heir, you say she will get married and leave, but what if she don't want to get married, people say marriage is an important thing for a successful life, sorry to say many people got married, they don't seem to look so happy even though they lived these years to love each other, but what's the use they don't seem that much happy and it's just not them.

It's the example of many people's life, for the sake of society we marry and because of this society we suffer, we live a hopeless and predictable life, in the end we decide we won't let our children do the same mistakes, but the history repeats itself.

We do the same mistake as our parents did, ruined our children's life, you should than realise how selfish you are, you married off your own daughters because you felt that you are getting old and there is no one to take care of your daughters after you die, you think they are weak, so you married them off, but you don't realise how failed you are, you yourself are not that much confident to say that we are a proud parent of a daughter, that can take care of herself, she is not a baby anymore, she can stand on her own feet's, you just repeat the same mistakes again and again, in the end you die alone ! And then you will regret what you did.....

You will regret your mistake, your soul will leave your body, than your body will be burned or buried, whether you are he or she you will be treated the same, and then you will realise, death is much better than yourself, because in the end at least it doesn't discriminate between dead bodies.......once dead forever dead no matter you are he or she......

Yours Truly,

Trish_d_1 ;)


I hope you guys learned something from this letter, you can make people read this letter if you want to change there mind ;)..............

Honestly I don't know what to say after writing this, I filled all my emotions in it...

Do tell me if you like it or not.....I'm up for your counter views...

And you know me eddyray26 VampCraz stand shoulder to shoulder for woman's right.

In the end peace out love you all <3!!!

Till then Toodles........;)

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