16• Not the kind of boy action we wanted

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Josh's pov

It's Wednesday.
And I haven't gotten a chance to be around tyler since I left him in the school shower room.

Basket ball is to blame!
He's always hanging around those tall lanky guys, ew.
It's not fair, they take all his attention away.
Maybe I should've made a deal with someone else who wasn't involved in such a time draining sport.
Not to mention the fact that he's in with the popular crowd, there's rarely a moment when he's by himself except for when he takes a break to sneak a cigarette in his secret spot.

Although I haven't seen him around there, I haven't been around there myself lately as I'm running low on my addiction supply.

It is kind of odd having your finger in a guys ass one minute and then the next you're both acting like you don't know eachother.

But that's they way our setup works, in public we don't know eachother, he's the popular guy and I'm that burn out who keeps to himself.
But behind any closed door I drag him behind..I get to know and explore his body all I want.

I just hate having to wait. This isn't how I like things, I like to be able to have access to him whenever I please and him the same for me. Non of this fuddle-duddle business where we try to figure out when we can get eachother alone like some workaholic couple with kids.

I'm putting too much thought into this..maybe I need to jack off.

But that's the thing. I shouldn't have to jack myself off, I'm supposed to have gotten someone to do that for me.

Maybe I've picked the wrong guy for this job, popular guys just aren't the way to go.
But ah the challenge of getting him was just so tempting..and so unbelievably hot, ah the punk and the jock.
I'm going to stab this pencil into my veins for making that accidental rhyme.

I sighed and rested my head on my hand.
As the teacher wasn't in the classroom yet, I sat there scribbling random drawings in my book. That is if you could call them drawings, I'm not all that artistic when it comes to a pencil, but give me some rope and a young twink and bada bing bada boom creativity is unleashed!
Ahhhh what is life, I hate school.

RIP HARAMBE i wrote in violent looking scraggly caps above my badly drawn alien with an ass the size of a planet.
(I dare y'all to go and draw this in your school books. Do it for harambe)

I let my arms collapse and I dropped my head down onto the book. My cheek mushing against the smooth paper as I tapped my pen on the desk lazily.

I need a blow job...and a cookie right about now would be nice too..just saying.

There was movement in front of me and I ignored it, that was until that movement had a voice and it was trying to communicate with me.

"Hey!" His cheery voice said.

I didn't recognise the voice so I considered just ignoring it, until curiosity got the better of me and I lifted my head up a little to look up at whoever the fuck was trying to talk to me.

Some boy with short curly blonde hair was facing me as he sat backwards on a chair, smiling cheerily when he saw I had noticed him.

I raised my top lip a little in confused disgust at the situation.

"Hey man, you're they guy who drums right?" He checked his facts as he slung his arms over the back of the chair still looking at me with his bright blue eyes.

"Uhh..yeah I drum.." I said but what is that to you? I wanted to finish.

"Yeah thought so, because who else has hair like that. Hah. Anyways just had to check, because like I've seen you drumming sometimes in the music room, not like I've watched you in a creepy way but like," he fumbled around his own sentence as if he was trying to find it in the dark. He poked his tongue out to moisten his lips "but like I've watched you drum."

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