"Grayson, they're everywhere," Kalani quickly jumped into the conversation. She used to be upset with me for doing so. But skipping formalities often makes conversations go by faster.

"What is?" I scrolled through my emails on my laptop. I'm expecting an important one about the land I viewed in Shanghai. The owner has several offers and I'm waiting to hear back on whether mine was accepted. If not, it means another trip to Shanghai which I would like to avoid.

"There are reporters outside my work. What's happening?" She whisper yelled and I felt the chills run along my spine. I almost dropped the phone on the ground. "Gray?"

"I'm...um, I'm here," I spoke.

I realized press would be interested in her. People have always asked when I planned on settling down and my answer has always been never. My life is private and I've never been spotted with a woman before. Now that's all changed with Kalani and it's no surprise they would be interested in knowing her relations to me. Her choice of attire makes matters easier. She's never outside without a coat. But it's March and the weather is quickly warming. Eventually her bump will be obvious and questions will be asked.

"I'm going to call your driver and tell him to head to the back. Then he'll come inside and come get you. Is that okay?" I quickly came up with a plan. She seemed stressed and I felt bad for the situation she was being put in. If I could leave my office now and pick her up, I would. But I still have two meetings to attend in two hours.

"Okay," she answered before apologizing for calling me in the middle of my work day. If it was any other person, I wouldn't have answered. I'm not an easy person to get ahold of. But the idea of declining her call didn't make me feel good.

"Text me when you're home," I instructed.

I went the next thirty minutes too busy anticipating her text to actually get work done. I had a million things on my list I needed to get done before my first meeting.

My concern was put on hold when my father entered my office. He was the last person I expected to see and I hated seeing him at all. Our relationship isn't terrible, but we've established many times we're better at doing business together than doing father-son things.

"Father, what a surprise to see you here," I shared my annoyance through my voice. There was no need to hide my dislike for his presence.

"Thought I would pay my favourite son a visit," he walked around my office like he was looking for something before sitting down on the couch in the office. From this high up, you can oversee everything. It's one of the reasons why I love this building. A beautiful view at night.

Him openly admitting who his favourite son is just adds onto the reasons of why he's a terrible father. You can have favourite cars, favourite, shoes, favourite restaurants, but not favourite kids.

"To what do I owe this visit?" I finally put my phone down. He had this smug, off putting look on his face. I leaned back further into my seat, fixing my eyes on him.

"Have you found your wife yet?" My father asked a question he knew the answer to. It's something that does not concern him at all, yet he continues to bring it up. "You're too busy playing house with...I don't even know what to call her," he shook his head.

Hearing him speak poorly about Kalani put this fire in my chest. It made my breaths unsteady and I didn't understand why I felt this way. He's right. I've lost sight of the initial plan and I'm not sure why that in itself doesn't bother me as much as it should. But everything was mushing together and becoming inconveniently complicated. Kalani isn't even supposed to be in my life, yet here I was feeling angry because my father isn't showing her respect by at least saying her name. What is wrong with me?

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