No Mist part: 2

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====le time skip to lunch===========

As i like walked to like lunch i like spotted a like familiar pair of like sea green eyes! I walked over to him sexily and said

"Hey Percy my like parents like is out of like town wanna like come over?"

He like just looked at me and replied "No" and turned around to talk to his like loser friends!!!!

Did he just like say "no" nobody like rejects me!!

As i was about to ask him out again. Some weird oversized dog with ruby eyes burst through the cafeteria doors and nearly like bit a students head of!!

Then something unexpected happened Percy ran out of his seat STRAIGHT TOWARDS THE FREAKING THING!!!! his friends were yelling at him to stop but he just ignored them. He suddenly pulled out a pen uncapped it slid under the "dog's" belly and stabbed it. Everyone just stood there in shock, percy just said the Greek gods are real while smirking...

Hope you enjoyed ye ik it's a lil crappy but hey i tried right..😂😂❤

Cya my chocolate cookies


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