"You should get one. Less work." We got out of the car, making our way to the store.

"I was raised to do things by myself. Anyways, do you know what you need? Do you have a list?"

"No," he stated confidentially. Going into the store without a list is a terrible idea. I sighed, grabbing a basket and adding things I thought he'd need. Things I buy which seem like others also buy. "I got it," he insisted after noticing I was struggling to hold the basket that was slowly becoming more heavy. He took it from my hands with a smirk. The fact that he was holding it with no struggle made me feel nothing but weak.

I failed to thank him, and instead continued to add items to the basket. I made sure to include several different fruits and vegetables. Being so distracted in my own mind, I hardly noticed Grayson was having a taste of grapes. Having a taste of them like they were free samples. I turned to look at him, seeing him freeze in place. A deer in headlights. His eyes were widened like a toddler who was afraid of getting in trouble.


"You want me to buy something when I don't know if it even tastes good?" He put it in the basket as well as other fruits. It amazed me that he is probably the most proper man I know, but does not know proper store etiquette. "Are you not supposed to do this?"

"No." He reminds me a lot my parents. They disregarded common sense and sampled fruits as they pleased.

We walked off, and he led us to the candy isle. He stood at the end like a child in a candy shop. His face filled with awe and his eyes lit up. It was like despite all his money, he never had the chance to fulfil his childhood desires.

His steps were slow, pivoting on one foot to look at the chocolates. "Do you want some? Candy or chocolate?" He placed numerous different chocolate bars into the basket. He has a nasty sweet tooth. But I know mine is even worse.

"Can I get skittles?" I sang and he nodded in approval.

Our shopping spree came to an end and loading the groceries into the car was a struggle we managed to overcome. Once again, silence consumed our car ride. It slowly forced me to hide in the prison I call my brain.

I was seated in a car with a man whose last name could destroy me. I know nothing about him. He knows nothing about me. Yet, I was forced into this unexpected circumstance forcing our lives to collide. All because of our stupid, irresponsible actions. Maybe I deserved this after how irresponsible I was.

"What's on your mind?" Grayson pointed out how quiet I was. I'm a talkative person and am able to make conversation out of anything.

I turned to him, taking in his features. Everything about this man screams perfection. Formed by God himself who took more time on him than anyone else.

"I'm just tired," my hands rested on my lap while I looked out the window. We were getting closer to my home and I was more and more excited to be able to take a hot bath. I needed the warmth so bad. "Do you wanna come in? I can make dinner." He has a cook he heavily relies on for his meals and grocery shopping. I knew he would get home and have to figure out how to fix himself something to eat.

A smile slowly spread on his face. He was waiting for me to ask. He parked his car and we headed to the main entrance of my apartment building. Standing in the elevator, we went up and down the hall to my apartment. I pushed the door open and it was a breath of fresh air. Clean, crisp air from the comfort of my home. Grayson was slow to enter. His face carried an expression I hadn't yet seen from him.

My home wasn't very large. The average size of an apartment. It carried everything I needed, but for some reason felt as if it wasn't good enough for Grayson. My cheeks went warm. They flushed with embarrassment of the home I'm usually so proud of.

"I like it. Cozy," he finally spoke and shared his honest opinion. We removed our shoes and he sat at the island while I figured out a meal I could make him. "Your fridge looks like it's...leaking?" He pointed to a spot on the ground where a puddle had formed by the fridge. I groaned, getting paper towels to clean it up.

"I've been meaning to fix it. But I've been busy."

"Fix it?" He looked at me like my words weren't English.

"Yeah. I've been watching YouTube videos and I think I could do it." That and despite me not being broke, I would rather not pay for the expenses of a repair man.

"Hm." We barely talked except for the occasional question he had about my methods of cooking. He is a curious kid. "Is this your sonogram?" My kitchen stays tidy and clean. But in one corner was my sonogram from my last ultrasound that he noticed. He stood up to get a better look at them.

"Yeah," I placed plates on the table for me to dish out the food. He could not stop staring at the photo, like things had just now become so real for him. "If you want, you can come to my next ultrasound. I know you're busy, so it's not a big deal if you can't make it," I kindly offered him.

After our earlier conversation, I've come to realize a child really isn't what Grayson wants and I'm fully prepared to do this all on my own. But I would be lying if I said the idea of having Grayson support me didn't make me happy.

"I guess I could make time," he sat back down with a smile. Looking down, I hid my smile he did not need to see. I was totally willing to do this all on my own. But knowing I have his support felt good.

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